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Everything posted by Comet

  1. While true, Nintendo operates in a weird fashion. What have we seen of Pokemon Scarlett and Violet? What have we seen about Xenoblade Chronicles 3? Effectively less than what we've seen from Zelda and those titles are coming out this Fall.
  2. The manufacturing and supply chain issues are going to make a Nintendo console #8 launch be fucking hellish
  3. Yeah I did the 3 years of Ultimate GamePass for $151 and I have to be honest, I barely even use it lol. I think that tells me I need to just stop paying for these bullshit subscriptions and then subscribe for a month when there's actually decent content I haven't played before. I'm looking at this Sony stuff the same exact way.
  4. I've read way more than I care to have read on these people's lives in the last 7 hours and I'm not entirely sure it's a mutually-consenting open relationship at all. Either way, my opinion has always been that the GI Jane joke was clearly in bad taste, but that's show bizness for ya!
  5. Beat Final Fantasy V Pixel Remastered and God of War last week on the Steam Deck. This week I'm working through Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remastered (Deck) and Elden Ring (PS5)
  6. So I have to say, I'm having a pretty easy time with this one due to me cheesing an astrologer with the meteorite staff and grinding intelligence for a few hours. With the Rock Sling spell I'm able to stun bosses after a few hits and smack away. Granted, I've only beaten about 4-5 bosses so far but I take it this build will totally corner me soon enough and the diminishing returns will make the late game impossible. But for how, I'm loving it.
  7. To be fair, Ricky Gervais calls out all of these narcissistic assholes to their faces, so that should at least exempt him from some violence.
  8. I'm excited that we only have one more year of daycare costs after almost 7 years of having to pay this. There were 2 years where we had two kids in at once and that was double the cost.... it's prohibitively expensive, a second mortgage.
  9. You haven’t lived until you’ve had a partially cold Nutella flavored Uncrustable
  10. That’s super generous of you and I appreciate the offer but no worries! Right now my son and I are hunkering down thanks to tornado warnings all over our house while my wife is with my other one at the ER. We have a huge supply of uncrustables for the kids just for these scenarios. Such is life! Initial blood tests came back good, so it likely isn’t MIS-C as the doctor suspected but there’s tomfoolery at play with my kids immune system (maybe just another virus he got while dealing with the flu).
  11. My 4 year old had COVID back in January and recovered super fast. He caught the flu last week and it’s led to a ton of issues. He’s showing signs of weird infections everywhere and the ER doctor thinks it’s likely a case of MIS-C which is related to kids who had COVID. /mis/images/mis-homepage-image.jpg Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome(MIS) WWW.CDC.GOV Get information on Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS), a recently reported condition associated with COVID-19. ugh scary stuff
  12. Ukraine: Arnold Schwarzenegger's anti-war video trends on Russian social media WWW.BBC.COM In the video the actor warns Russians they are being fed misinformation over the Ukraine war.
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