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Everything posted by Comet

  1. I’m sure this will save at least a few lives. I won’t shit on actual progress, albeit if it’s tinier than a baby step.
  2. Oh most definitely. Planning out a trip to northern Colorado to scope out a few towns here in some months now. Other than that I have to wait out this housing market a bit or I’ll get bit in the ass. My younger brother is in the process of driving to Arlington, VA this weekend as he’s relocated from TX to DC. He will never be back.
  3. Not to mention that’s an area in the US that could be best equipped to weather climate change. 250k today could be a few million in a few decades lol
  4. As someone who has been in Phoenix and El Paso in the last week, yeah fuck this shit!
  5. ""According to a source, the majority of the reactions on Twitter’s Slack messaging board were negative in nature.""
  6. Lol I love this: Bloomberg - Are you a robot? WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM edit - weird embedding, it’s about Musk, SpaceX and Tesla being sued for Dogecoin racketeering
  7. Flew back into the US from Mexico yesterday so I appreciated saving the $100 testing fees at my hotel, BUT this is still probably not a good idea lol.
  8. That's exactly the thing to fear as incomes increase. We bought a very modest home in 2015 for 200k, and we could afford it then with what felt like a slight financial stretch even though it was about a $1,500 monthly payment. It's now worth close to 400k (which is so goddamn stupid really...). Back then I was making 75k a year and am now at a base salary of 165k. The urge to qualify for a big home has always been there but minimizing expenses as your income increases is a type of real-world min-maxing I never thought I'd love to do so much. One more year of daycare payments and then we get back $1100 a month. So many friends of mine have had lifestyle creep as their incomes have gone up and we're looking to minimize so my wife can just stop working or choose to do something more meaningful with her time rather than working for debt/mortgages. The other big benefit to minimalism is that I have such few desire to actually spend money on any expense at all related to "keeping up with the Joneses". It has also helped me take a more laid back approach to my career and put a pause on my voracious need to move up a meaningless ladder. The only real thing concern that is on my mind is a move out of Texas, be that to a better state or even out of the country. That will definitely hit income levels I'm at and will have to come with more expensive living expenses. I might have to just stomach the suck until the housing market (domestically and/or internationally) finally corrects appropriately.
  9. It took me a while to realize it was from The Onion because this is entirely realistic.
  10. I definitely picked a good few years to start leaning heavily towards minimalism. There were talks in my family to start saving up to upgrade home size in the coming years. Glad I nipped that in the bud.
  11. Just wait until Tether is unpegged. Then you might see shit crash toward $0. I am hopeful lol
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