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Everything posted by Comet

  1. Me five, though I actually am dubious of my own claim. My two kids and wife have all tested positive for it and had symptoms (the youngest had stronger ones). I consistently tested negative. I felt a little tired for one half of a day before they all tested positive.
  2. Thank god this isn't a ploy to get Elon Musk involved
  3. I don’t use milk if I have cereal so I’ll just see myself out
  4. Curtailing future emissions is part of a very large and multi-faceted climate change equation. Efforts to clean current emissions (and there's a lot of various efforts going towards this today) will ultimately be futile if we don't also lessen future emissions. Both have to happen. Arguing which one is more important doesn't really matter to a discussion here. We aren't the ones prioritizing funds to go towards solving different aspects of this equation. But it goes back to the point that what can we as individuals do? We can't clean up current emissions for shit. However, we do have power in lessening future emissions. And baby footsteps we take today will feel like a drop in an ocean, sure, but it's about creating a culture of accountability around this issue for future generations. Also, this reminds me of this great series from Kurzgesagst:
  5. This is absolutely fascinating. Hell I remember cartoons for our generation still talked about it as a common thing. I believe there’s a whole episode of Rugrats where one kid gets it and the parents bring all the other kids together so they can get it too.
  6. Another point which hasn’t been brought up here with mass meat consumption is that by far the majority use of antibiotics comes from this industry - not from doctors being liberal in prescribing antibiotics these days. If a super antibiotic resistant bug scares you, then your focus should be on how insanely rampant this practice is in meat production. Pump animals (and not just beef here but also poultry) with antibiotics to get them to grow faster and larger? Profit
  7. Its factor in greenhouse gases is not an insignificant amount: Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases from food production, study finds | Meat industry | The Guardian AMP.THEGUARDIAN.COM Production of meat worldwide causes twice the pollution of production of plant-based foods, a major new study has found
  8. And McDonald’s is testing their Beyond burger at a few stores which I took a bite out of one a few weeks ago and it isn’t bad at all. They’re decent meat substitutions for sure, but don’t let them fool you for being healthy. They’re delicious sodium bombs.
  9. Nah, vegetarian isn’t plant-based since they still eat plenty of animal by-products. So vegan. But I say plant based since I don’t care for processed junk like Oreos which are technically vegan.
  10. I went plant based 3.5 years ago to do my part. It’s not much, but I felt compelled to try something. This will only be solved by massive investment, not a collective of individual efforts of people not eating meat or buying electric cars.
  11. As one of those Egyptian gods uttered this past week via their avatar in Moon Knight: “[they] didn’t abandon humanity, humanity abandoned [them].”
  12. Zelensky has been campaigning this way since day one to galvanize any kind of support. This is nothing new from him. There isn’t any heightened nuclear threat.
  13. How so? He’s diversifying Twitters board by representing African-Americans!
  14. My wife is a teacher, well she was. She managed to secure a golden ticket and become an instructional specialist. She teaches teachers now. I couldn’t imagine teaching at all in todays climate.
  15. I was today years old when I was in the middle of fighting Rennala Queen of what whatever and I realized I never got the summoning bell at all! I go to the location where you're supposed to get it but homegirl isn't showing up anymore. I had to go to the Roundtable Hold and someone sells it there. Well.... that would have made so many fights easier.
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