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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Found my first chimera in a cave and fucking wrecked it. My thief is almost to level 10 but I kinda don’t want to bother with anything else. But it’s probably smart to not waste your job so til you’ve maxed everything out. Guess I’ll try warrior since I have a couple decent weapons for it
  2. I have zero desire to have a remake with a combat system like the 7 remakes with stagger bars and shit. 7 was good for this kind of remake because the graphics were always ass.
  3. Looks cool. I never got far into Dead Cells. I should play more of these kinds of games but I’m getting old and slow
  4. For me it is. Kefka is certainly the greatest video game villain of all time.
  5. I don’t know how it can be a walking simulator when you can’t go more than ten feet without some sort of combat encounter.
  6. If you find the Thieves Guild you can basically make it so your thief can't get hit. Uses stamina though which the Thief needs for all those Skullspliters...
  7. I haven't gone back to it but I think the problem with the Archer class is that at the very beginning of the game with like no levels, no skills in the class yet, and basic equipment it does in fact suck donkey dick. But later once you have some levels, level up the class, and some decent gear sounds like it gets a lot better.
  8. So the no fun league continues into next year. Weird how a pass heavy league has half the league having QBs who can barely throw the ball
  9. To weeks is way too long to spend in Vegas unless you’re rich. Hope you had a good time though
  10. The problem with that is at that point you’re glued to your toilet for a day or two. Since moving out of commiefornia where a half gallon is like literally a buck forty I’ll go like 3 days. Just doesn’t cost so much that I worry about throwing out some
  11. I grew up with a non religious family and Easter was amazing when I was little. Easter egg hunt, get a bunch of candy anyway. Fucking ruled
  12. If the first thing I hear from the Fallout tv show isn’t Ron Perlman saying war never changes I fucking riot
  13. Isn’t there literally like a million insects for every person on earth? We have more than enough
  14. Baseball is fun when your team has an offense
  15. Dragons Dogma 2. Need to get back to Final Fantasy 7 Remake but I keep wanting to play DD2
  16. Phil found out the hard way you can't get a $70 billion investment into your division with a massive M&A headache without the company wanting immediate returns. The original plan must have been to keep everything exclusive, because they could have saved millions in attorney fees and gotten this done a lot faster if they told everyone all ABK games will remain multiplatform.
  17. I don't even remember this. You know what random game I'd like to see though, Loaded. Although it probably hasn't aged well.
  18. I mean you can say Phil Spencer has failed at his job but you can't say the dude hasn't tried. While "infinite growth" isn't possible you're just not going to make it with negative growth, especially when you were already a distant third in the market. This is hardly a case of the game sold 4 million copies and didn't meet expectations fuck you level of capitalism.
  19. I do find it funny people are like yeah fuck capitalism what's Phil supposed to do. Then you say how about buy an Xbox and support the platform and the answer is nah what for I got a PC already or I got a PS5 and I'm not interested in Halo/Gears/Forza or whatever the case may be. Yeah fuck capitalism and all, but Phil has to make Xbox an attractive platform that people want to buy into and it just hasn't worked. Maybe the day one PC thing is ultimately the wrong answer, and maybe this forum is the wrong place as many of you have high end gaming PC's but that's the answer most of you give when these threads come up. Why buy an Xbox when I have a high end gaming PC.
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