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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Kill Team: The Game You’ve Been Waiting For (Warhammer Community Post) Kill Team Q&A Kill Team is back, and it’s time to start paying attention to Warhammer 40,000 (Polygon)
  2. I'd want to ask the author of that piece how he or she would react if someone answered "yes" to the first two questions and "no" to the last two.
  3. We're planning to do something a little different for the next D1Pcast. Instead of our usual format, we're going to have a discussion of what is perhaps the most talked-about game of the first half of 2018 not named Fortnite: God of War. If you've got thoughts about God of War -- both positive and negative -- then post in this thread if you'd like to participate. We use Skype for the show and will provide the details as to when we'll be recording once we get things a bit more locked down.
  4. I have left @maddux4163 multiple messages on Steam but received no response. @Bloodporne is on Discord mostly now
  5. At 1080p, it will Max out most games. Higher resolutions not so much.
  6. It was the only thing I could think of. I'm open to any similar suggestions.
  7. With "The Academy" or a Science board?
  8. There was always overlap between the CEB and the Science board as to what topics went where. It only makes sense under this new structure to put these "academic" type of topics in one place.
  9. That's a great idea and I implemented it! @Emblazon - please adjust the shading on the new "Consumer Technology" prefix when you get the chance.
  10. The former Current Events board (now renamed "The Academy") is the place for that.
  11. I can 100% assure that if his resume crossed my desk and I discovered this information, it would be enough to a warrant taking a "pass" on it if there were similarly qualified candidates without such allegations. I don't think it's "absurd" in the least to suggest the possibility that it will have a significantly detrimental impact on his future.
  12. I live with a female friend. Of course, she's not attracted to me because I'm not African-American, I'm not attracted to her because she's Slavic, so I guess it all works out!
  13. This is what happens when two neutral countries play each other.
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