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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. It's a game you actually play through multiple times in order to get the "full" story through the different routes.
  2. @therockdltj - I'd like to help you with upgrading your PC to something even a little better!
  3. Holt did not go into detail on exactly what pack contents FIFA 19 will disclose the odds of - and when we followed up with EA, the company declined to offer any additional information.
  4. Battlefield V is a huge improvement, but Bleeding Out needs to go (PCGamesN) @atom631 - can you deny the Bleeding Out phase?
  5. Yes, it would absolutely be "worse" but at the very least they wouldn't be treated like a colony and could enter into economic development agreements with other nations.
  6. The status quo is simply untenable for Puerto Rico. The fact of the matter is that the choice is between statehood and independence, and while the vast majority of Puerto Ricans favor statehood, they should be prepared to seriously consider the independence option if/when his falters.
  7. Battlefield 5 improves on Battlefield 1, but it might make you pine for the original (PC Gamer hands-on)
  8. Because let's assume that there is something actually wrong with you -- something that you won't know about UNLESS you get a preventative checkup -- then the cost of treating that condition is invariably more than if it's caught early through a preventative checkup. At that point, the costs of treatment that you or the insurance company do not pay for are distributed through the risk pool to everyone else.
  9. @Ghost_MH - I preordered the game for you. I'll send you the keys upon its release.
  10. Psssttt - you're increasing the cost for everyone else by NOT going for preventative checkups!
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