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Paperclyp last won the day on December 16 2018

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  1. I played two runs and noticed this pretty much right away lol. I can adapt pretty quick. I wish we’d go universal on button names. It annoys me the most with Nintendo retro stuff. They stick to the B is run and A is jump like it used to be but the position of those buttons on modern pads feels horribly horribly wrong. It’s funny that like Mario Wonder maps it properly and then you go play Mario 3 and it’s like well this is bad. Thankfully you can swap it but it’s annoying.
  2. I might pick up the steam version and play it. I have the Switch version. And there's cross save so maybe that's my way back in. I will also say I find the discourse around the "sexiness" of the game to be weird. The game itself doesn't bother me but the articles about it I just found off putting.
  3. Hades was a game I felt like I just didn't get it. I enjoyed it, but it never fully clicked with me. I actually never beat it now that I think about it. I'm still interested in this though...but not in early access.
  4. I’m sorry, this has almost certainly been clarified already, but why did they / were they allowed to sell this in countries where PSN is not a thing in the first place if they requirement was known to be coming?
  5. Having almost completed 2, I think what I want from this team is something like this (which may be happening with the next MH game): Give me an open world in the vein of DD and put a bunch of monster hunter style monsters in there so I can encounter them without all the weird instanced way the MH games do it. Make it multiplayer and all that. Maybe get a little less ambitious in spirit / seriousness of plot (like I like a lot of what they allude to in DD but there's not no payoff IMO). And like the internet made such a big deal of that pawn illness that turns them evil... never encountered it personally. It just seemed like a lot of awesome ideas that were implemented in a half-baked way, so I ended up feeling like it was a game with immense potential that in the end felt like it needed another year of development or something.
  6. Holy shit this is a colossal disaster at this point. Sony needs to take the L, apologize and pray they didn’t ruin too much good faith moving forward.
  7. I would respect companies more if they were just honest with us. Don't tell me it's about security.
  8. Im in much the same boat where I am more pleased with gaming than ever. And in my brain which I realize makes this an asinine exercise I had split the switch into two different eras I guess. Maybe the heart of this for me is more PlayStation centric where it’s kinda been my go-to machine for more than 25 years and it’s just not that way anymore.
  9. Single player games sell quite well which has been proven time and time again.
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