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Get all the games on itch.io for $5 or more...


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Anyone else having problems getting the app to install?  Mine keeps timing out trying to contact the server during the install.

36 minutes ago, DPCyric said:


WHOA! I have been waiting for this to show up on Games with Prime forever! I was happy with just Haque, excited Nuclear Throne got added and Celeste is the icing on the cake :drool:

It has been a free game on EGS before.  Even if you don't like Epic, it never hurts to grab their free games.


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7 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Anyone else having problems getting the app to install?  Mine keeps timing out trying to contact the server during the install.

It has been a free game on EGS before.  Even if you don't like Epic, it never hurts to grab their free games.



I don't have a problem with Epic or their game store I am just loath to install another launcher... I do most my gaming on mobile and the only give aways I feel like I missed out on I have now (Celeste and Enter the Gungeon).


Edit- This looks really fun:



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On 6/10/2020 at 12:11 AM, DPCyric said:


I don't have a problem with Epic or their game store I am just loath to install another launcher... I do most my gaming on mobile and the only give aways I feel like I missed out on I have now (Celeste and Enter the Gungeon).


So... Yesterday after I posted this I seen the Samurai Showdown Collection is launching free the first week on the EGS. I went home and set everything up I would feel like I'm missing out if I didn't get that collection :whistlin:I didn't like them buying timed exclusivity tbh but I'm ok with free new games!


I've seen some articles about this bundle some developers who normally refuse to put their games in bundles put it in this one! Also some developers who don't even have games on the store joined the store to put their game in this bundle :thumbup:


I did a deep dive into the bundle and seen a ton of stuff I'm excited about. When they are finished adding games to the bundle I will probably curate a list for people. 

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6 hours ago, DPCyric said:

I didn't like them buying timed exclusivity tbh but I'm ok with free new games!

Not shaming you but

Your account for the free games is used to help pitch exclusivity for Epic.

Epic: Look how many accounts we have so you should totally go with an Epic exclusive.

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1 minute ago, SimpleG said:

Not shaming you but

Your account for the free games is used to help pitch exclusivity for Epic.

Epic: Look how many accounts we have so you should totally go with an Epic exclusive.

On the flip side not supporting non-Steam storefronts contributes to Steam's monopolistic practices. Only through a gradual erosion of Steam's market share will developers get a more favorable split with the storefronts. Do your part, collect your free games.  


I don't actually give a hoot, I'm just tired of the Epic bad Steam good narrative when the reality is more complicated.

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9 minutes ago, Moa said:

Only through a gradual erosion of Steam's market share will developers get a more favorable split with the storefronts. Do your part, collect your free games.  

The devs are contracted at a price before the game is even in production, the publishers get the favorable split.

Edit: solo devs do get a better share and thats good

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1 minute ago, SimpleG said:

The devs are contracted at a price before the game is even in production, the publishers get the favorable split.

1)  Not every game has a publisher

2)  Frequently the publishing agreement has additional revenue/profit being split between the publisher and developer.

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3 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

1)  Not every game has a publisher

2)  Frequently the publishing agreement has additional revenue/profit being split between the publisher and developer.

So which devs with a publisher got a better split from Epic for being exclusive?

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The only thing about Epic that bothers me these days is the timed exclusivity, which in turn keeps those games higher priced longer.  I'm a cheap, so it basically means I wait an extra year on top of what I'd already wait to pick something up.  Epic's big sales are okay with their $5 vouchers, but not as stellar as if Humble or Fanatical got to bundle them.


Beyond that, I'm 100% down with the free games.  And I know their funding initiatives, while unfortunate for all the above, have helped several indie developers push over the hump to release.  A lot of Fortnite money is being thrown around.  Not all for good reasons (AAA titles) granted.

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24 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

On a side note both Ichi and Discord offer better cuts then Epic and I have no issue with them but they also dont do the same bull shit that Epic does.


Discord shut their subscription down because people didn't play the games in it.  Believe the store is still up... but who is even using it?

Itch makes royalties optional.  But people haven't paid much attention to their storefront until this bundle.  They don't do this either:


The funding and help from Epic Games has allowed some even smaller teams the chance at publishing their vision. Manifold Garden is an isometric 3-D puzzle game that reinvents the laws of physics. Started by William Chyr in 2012 as an experiment in game design, the project quickly blossomed into a full game over the next seven years. For the first three years Chyr worked by himself on the project, eventually growing to three full-time employees.

"A lot of people on the team have also foregone receiving a salary, so they're tied closely to the success of the game," Chyr said. "Thanks to the deal with Epic, I've been able to secure some stability for the team."

Chyr felt particularly relieved by marketing support the Epic Games Store offers Manifold Garden. "That anxiety for us has been removed," Chyr told Newsweek. "We can just focus on finishing the game."




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8 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

The only thing about Epic that bothers me these days is the timed exclusivity, which in turn keeps those games higher priced longer.

This is one of 2 issues I have with them

2 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

Itch makes royalties optional.  But people haven't paid much attention to their storefront until this.  They're not funding development either:

But that doesnt stop Epic from trying to exclude them. Epic says they want a better spit for devs but when a another store offers a better cut they still dont wont allow devs to go sell there.I totally get that people want more competition but Epic snatching shit up isnt it.

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12 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

But that doesnt stop Epic from trying to exclude them. Epic says they want a better spit for devs but when a another store offers a better cut they still dont wont allow devs to go sell there.I totally get that people want more competition but Epic snatching shit up isnt it.


'We'll give you money to finish your game, enough as if it sold X copies, but don't put on other storefronts for a year.'

For many indies that's a golden deal, for the risks it mitigates and the funding received.  They'll also get a second wind of sales on those other storefronts.  And it doesn't cut them off from consoles.

It's also a sign of the times.  Crowdfunding websites are no longer in vogue for games outside of Patreon, and good luck getting consistent funding there.  Epic saw that as an opportunity.

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5 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

'We'll give you money to finish your game, enough as if it sold X copies, but don't put on other storefronts for a year.'


Is it even this anymore? I feel like when it was kickstarter games this was something they did. Now every game is doing it pretty much whether they need the money or not.

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7 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Is it even this anymore? I feel like when it was kickstarter games this was something they did. Now every game is doing it pretty much whether they need the money or not.


I'm in a private alpha for a game that applied for EGS funding earlier this year.  Didn't get it sadly, but they were flown out and demoed it to them in person.

Indies can't rely on Kickstarter/Indiegogo in the way they once did. There's much fewer eyeballs on those platforms nowadays for games.

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11 hours ago, SimpleG said:

This is one of 2 issues I have with them

But that doesnt stop Epic from trying to exclude them. Epic says they want a better spit for devs but when a another store offers a better cut they still dont wont allow devs to go sell there.I totally get that people want more competition but Epic snatching shit up isnt it.


Game developers should want this kind of competition. Having store fronts like Steam and EGS vying for exclusives is beneficial to the developers and publishers. I'm not saying it's beneficial to the consumers, but the argument could be made that what's good for the game creators is ultimately good for the game players. Immediate and guaranteed money in the form of advances, preferential placement in store fronts, and just straight cash for exclusivity deals cannot possibly be a bad thing for the people we want to remain in business. Suggesting it isn't would be suggesting that we understand their financials better than they. Even then, if unrelated folks on the Internet did know their financials better than they were should just assume that dev was doomed to fall thanks to mismanagement.


Hijacking over, I'd love to see this thread keep track of the gems hidden in this crazy huge bundle.


7 hours ago, DPCyric said:

A shame I was hoping they would keep adding games and raising their goal but I bet the team is exhausted at this point!


They did a lot of work for supporting a bundle of a size I doubt anybody working there ever imagined would happen. Kudos to them. They did a phenomenal job for a really great cause.

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1 hour ago, Ghost_MH said:

Game developers should want this kind of competition. Having store fronts like Steam and EGS vying for exclusives is beneficial to the developers and publishers. I'm not saying it's beneficial to the consumers, but the argument could be made that what's good for the game creators is ultimately good for the game players. Immediate and guaranteed money in the form of advances, preferential placement in store fronts, and just straight cash for exclusivity deals cannot possibly be a bad thing for the people we want to remain in business. Suggesting it isn't would be suggesting that we understand their financials better than they. Even then, if unrelated folks on the Internet did know their financials better than they were should just assume that dev was doomed to fall thanks to mismanagement.


And then you have CEOs pocketing the extra cash essentially, making the exclusivity about making themselves richer not making a better product or compensating people for their work.



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