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Kerbal Space Program 2 - Information Thread, update (05/01/24): Take-Two reportedly shuts down development studio

Commissar SFLUFAN

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I'm a complete sucker for that Cloud Atlas track.


I played around with KSP for a little while, but the UI was so difficult I never bothered to figure it out. If the new UI is a good deal better I could see myself spending a lot of time with a game like this.

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2 hours ago, TwinIon said:

I'm a complete sucker for that Cloud Atlas track.


I played around with KSP for a little while, but the UI was so difficult I never bothered to figure it out. If the new UI is a good deal better I could see myself spending a lot of time with a game like this.

It's a lot better information wise if you install the Kerbal Engineer mod, some of which is now stock. Controls could be better but eventually if you do Rendezvous and Docking enough eventually it just clicks. 

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Kerbal Space Program 2's new devs on adding interstellar flight, colonies and more to the PC's greatest space sim (PC Gamer interview)




It's important to get players through that first hurdle, because Kerbal Space Program 2's big new features are all things that expand the scope of what you can do out among the stars, starting with interstellar travel. "You start at our new Kerbal Space Center, which is actually at the same location on Kerbin as it was in the original game," explains Simpson. "And then all the planets in the Kerbolar system continue to be present in enhanced forms. And then, as you continue to progress up the tech tree and get access to interstellar technologies, the scope of the game just gets larger, and you begin crossing the gulfs of interstellar space."


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Space Odyssey: Our first big look at Kerbal Space Program 2 (PC Gamer)



Over the course of two days I spoke with the dev team about what’s new in Kerbal Space Program 2, what’s changed, and just as importantly what’s not changed, to preserve the wonderful sense of accomplishment and discovery that defined one of PC gaming’s greatest experiences. At no point did anyone say these little green explorers are so excited about intergalactic travel that they throw a spontaneous space orgy, but I’m here to tell you it’s most definitely happening. 


And honestly, I’m thrilled about it. It’s hard, lonely work going where no kerbal has gone before, and they deserve to celebrate—especially because that sweet, sweet space nooky is a key part of Kerbal Space Program 2’s vastly expanded progression into the unknown.


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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kerbal Space Program 2 - Information Thread, update: delayed to 2022
  • 1 year later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kerbal Space Program 2 - Information Thread, update: PC version delayed to early 2023, console versions to release "later"
  • 9 months later...

Out in early access now



Kerbal Space Program 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed space-flight simulation game Kerbal Space Program. Enter the next generation of space adventure with exciting new parts, stunning visuals, fully revamped UI and Map View, and rich new environments to explore.


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Kerbal Space Program 2 has suffered a rough launch into Early Access but push through the bugs and this space exploration sim still falls short of its ambitions




Oh no, poor Kerbal Space Program 2. The extremely anticipated sequel to everyone’s favourite rocket-building space exploration game is a hot mess. A list of bugs longer than a Saturn V reads like a terrible medical diagnosis: quivering periapsis, unpredictable methane leakage, late-stage separation anxiety, loose payloads, non-stop burning, and sensitive nodes.


The developers, smiling bravely in circumstances presumably beyond their control, describe the launch as like dropping a kid off for their first day at school. Well the kid forgot their lunchbox, their uniform, their books and their pencil case. They showed up at the wrong school, on a Saturday during half-term. If you were stranded on a desert island and had to recreate Kerbal Space Program from memory using nothing but coconuts and string, it would look something like Kerbal Space Program 2. The game is nowhere approaching finished, it barely resembles the promotional videos, and it isn’t ready, even by Early Access standards.





Scroll through the subreddit and you’ll see the very worst of it: the entire space centre, turned on its side and teleported from Kerbin into the crater of some distant moon. You’d laugh, if you weren’t paying £44.99 for it. We delayed our review by a weekend to see if an early patch would remedy some of the worst issues, but the first fixes are still weeks away, and what will get fixed is still anyone’s guess. The feature roadmap, meanwhile, isn’t timetabled – there are no guarantees that KSP2 will reach a decently playable state in the near future, let alone replace KSP1 as the preferred option.


Sadder still is that this version of KSP2 is so foundationally shaky it actively discourages you from attempting to build anything too ambitious or complex, in case the game vaporises your efforts on a whim. There’s no sense of achievement when the odds you’re up against aren’t to do with mastering the complex physics of interplanetary space flight, but the game’s own half-finished code. A Kerbal Space Program that pours cold water on your ambitions hardly feels like a Kerbal Space Program at all.


Shoved out of the Early Access airlock before it could put its EVA suit on, Kerbal Space Program 2 is in need of a rescue mission.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kerbal Space Program 2 - Information Thread, update: "A catastrophic re-entry" (RPS Early Access review)

The new rocketry engine is exciting, but KSP2 needs the structure of its missing campaign mode.




I feel compelled to lay my cards on the table here. I'm a history and English major with an interest in the history of rocketry and a poor-to-terrible grasp of practical math, engineering, and physics. I've read half of Gravity’s Rainbow, seen Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise, and own The Race for Space on vinyl. I'm the lumpenprole rocketry enjoyer, chasing a digital version of that hole that forms just above your stomach when the plane takes off.


Kerbal Space Program 2 gives me that feeling, but at this stage in early access, there’s truly little else on offer for anyone other than diehard kerbonauts. 


Kerbal Space Program 2 is heavy on its simulation elements, and at launch light on game modes. There's no budgeting, no tech trees, just a gigantic list of parts broken down into categories. As a casual KSP1 player who got quite good at satellite launches and one-way trips to the Mun, I naively thought my history with the first game would be more than adequate for jumping straight into rocket construction. 





The cause of many of my in-flight headaches was a deeply flawed approach to design. The tutorial expertly teaches the hows and whats of rocket flight, but at this stage in early access, Kerbal Space Program 2 really can't explain the whys, leaving new players to meander around its sandbox aimlessly. With no budget restrictions, research grant obligations, and a buffet of instantly available rocket parts, the Zanzibar 2 was a melting pot of contrasting design philosophies, a manned satellite delivery platform built in ignorance of the concept of "unmanned launch." Still, we can only launch the rockets we have, and my imaginary private aerospace company was teetering on the edge of an imaginary default line, so the operation had to proceed. As absurd as the design and philosophy underpinning it was, the orbit and payload release went disappointingly smoothly. 


With none of the aforementioned pressures and stressors, I found making rockets that don’t explode was actually quite a simple task. Necessity breeds innovation, innovation needs creativity, and creativity requires risk, but with no framework for progression, no budgets, deadlines, or competitors, I found that there was rarely a need to take risks beyond the idle curiosity of seeing what would happen. More than any minor feature from the first game, I miss the campaign. 


Without the skeleton of a campaign or progression present, Kerbal Space Program 2 can often feel like being in the middle of an ocean, clinging to a hunk of wood. It's got depth you can drown in, but no easy way to navigate it without the (assumed) support of its community.


For people who just want to get right into the fine details of advanced rocketry with an updated physics engine, Kerbal Space Program 2 will likely satisfy. Amateurs and weekend rocketeers should try the first game’s campaign mode instead. 



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Poor performance and bugs top the list of complaints, but some players are disappointed to see features missing that KSP had 10 years ago.




After a nearly three year delay, Kerbal Space Program 2 is finally here. Well, some of it. As with the original space flight sim, the sequel has launched into Steam early access, with ambitious plans to build on its base sandbox. Colonies, interstellar travel, and multiplayer are all coming eventually, adding features that don't exist in Kerbal Space Program. But with none of those features in at launch, fans of the original game are questioning whether it makes sense to start playing Kerbal Space Program 2 just yet.


A "no" to that question was the takeaway from our own launch impressions. "Without the skeleton of a campaign or progression present, Kerbal Space Program 2 can often feel like being in the middle of an ocean, clinging to a hunk of wood," we wrote. "It's got depth you can drown in, but no easy way to navigate it without the (assumed) support of its community."




"As is the game is unplayable. parts wont select correctly, if you are building your ship there is a chance it will end up in the floor with no way to get it back. even small ships may start to rip themselves apart. i have accidentally deleted my ship from orbit more than once and there is no guarantee that quick saving and reloading will help with that issue. ive phased through moons and planets in timewarp, i loved the first game but this one needs a lot of work, it may be too early access for early access." - Steam reviewer sigguard



"Wish I could recommend this game but its unplayable. Like how can i create any satellites if each of them may at any point change orbit to a collision course." - Steam reviewer Ash.



"- craft spontaneously exploding, for seemingly no reason.
- conics and flight paths disappearing when they intersect a body's SOI.
- craft CHANGING FLIGHT PATHS when not being controlled or flown. Try docking with a haunted ship.
- had a disconcerting spinning ghost kerbal in a pod stalking my entire trip to gilly, including on the surface. It would appear, then disappear suddenly, for no reason.
- decouplers, engines, and other critical items not appearing on the staging list in the VAB or in flight." - Steam reviewer samjacbak



"I want to like this game, but the bugginess of it makes it exceedingly difficult to do things like an Apollo style Mun mission because you get kraken'd when attempting to undock. You've got cargo bays that will hold onto legs when they shouldn't, so you can't disentangle them, and a whole host of other issues. For as much new and good stuff the devs bring with it, these bugs are all show stoppers and never should have been allowed in the public release." - Steam reviewer almagnus1


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It appears that Take Two is closing down Intercept Games, the studio behind Kerbal Space Program 2




Take-Two looks to be shutting Intercept Games, the studio behind Kerbal Space Program 2, as part of its recent layoff announcement.


A closure notice affecting 70 workers in Seattle has been published by Take-Two. This is where Intercept Games, which Take-Two is the parent company of, is located.


In addition, several posts from Intercept employees have started making the rounds on social media and LinkedIn, stating they have been laid off or are now looking for work. Meanwhile, links for job openings on Intercept Games' site appear to be broken.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kerbal Space Program 2 - Information Thread, update (05/01/24): Take-Two reportedly shuts down development studio

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