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Halfway through a stretch of working 11 nights in a row, ama


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14 hours ago, johnny said:

is that legal 

Yes, very. Also the 11 days are technically stretched over two work weeks so I don't even get overtime (unless I end up staying super long tonight)


14 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

I can’t speak for the US, but in the UK you only need to have two days off within 14 days and shifts have to be more than 11 hours apart.

I can't remember what our rules are, I know they are pretty lax. You can work every day if you want to, it's just not going to happen without overtime pay, so most employers don't want to enable it.


13 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

What's the shittiest customer you've had in that stretch of time?

Anti-maskers. No, I don't care if you say you're vaccinated. The law still says you have to put your fucking mask on when you're walking around. Yes, I understand that's stupid given that getting up from your seat doesn't make you magically breathe different air, but the fact that you're making a fuss about such a minor inconvenience makes me think you're an asshole.


8 hours ago, Rachel said:

When do you get a break?

I don't take breaks. I should get 4 days off in a row after this. Maybe 5, I haven't actually checked. As for during work, I don't take breaks. Breaks are wasted time, if I'm not busy, I could be doing something to help me get out faster when it's time to close up. I'll break when I'm home.

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Oh, apparently we're doing this thing now where we're allowing people without masks to come in if they have proof they're vaccinated. Such a pain in the balls. Require masks or don't, don't make me go through fucking fighting people about it, jesus christ. Fucking idiots.

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So, apparently, and I only just found this out yesterday... 2 of our line cooks only make minimum wage.


I cannot stand that. I will burn my fucking career (if you want to call it that) to the ground to fix that. Cooks always got at least a couple bucks over minimum. They get like, I don't know, $30 each in tips at the end of every night. The company is offering $1000 signing bonuses to line cooks who sign up right now, giving nothing to the ones who have stayed throughout the pandemic.


They are apparently desperate for cooks, I will tell them to go fuck themselves. Being a line cook is a really, really hard job. I don't care what minimum wage happens  to be, but I can think of at least 75 jobs that are easier to do than being a line cook, and if that's all you're offering cooks, they are well within their rights to tell you to fuck right off. If all I'm getting is minimum wage, I'll go work at Safeway.


What are they going to do, fire them? They're already desperate enough to offer $1000 signing bonuses. I could get another job tomorrow if I wanted, shit I got fired for being drunk on the job once and got another job within a week. I'm willing to stand the fuck up for this. So far I have at least half the staff at my place plus a growing number of people at others.

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1 hour ago, Joe said:

They’re asking you to be a line cook? I’m confused.

No, no. I just found out that they cut the pay of line cooks because of pandemic and then now they want to hire new cooks for minimum wage, lure them in with a $1000 bonus and then keep them at minimum wage. It's dirty and I hate it.



2 minutes ago, Biggie said:

So you’ve been a bartender for how many years and you just found out that line cooks in bars make minimum wage? 

Yeah Right GIF by Your Happy Workplace

Line cooks do not make minimum wage in the vast majority of instances that I've seen. The company I work for, last I actually checked, had them starting at like $15.25/hour, that was about a year ago. Most of my cook buddies make $16-$17/hour.

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I worked 20 some odd days in a row some being 12 hour shifts mixed in. I'd calm down if I were you. You seem extremely angry and miserable! I'd find another job asap.


You seem to need to focus on your mental health rather than worry about the line cooks. If this is coming off cruel I'm not meaning it that way. I'm just shooting some advice.

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I get where Fizzzle is coming from. Line cooks always Malle a couple bucks above minimum wage as he says. Otherwise, why be a line cook over being a dishwasher and burn yourself and shit? I’m assuming there are dishwashers at your place Fizzzle? So they make the same as line cooks? Kinda fucked.

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8 hours ago, Joe said:

I get where Fizzzle is coming from. Line cooks always Malle a couple bucks above minimum wage as he says. Otherwise, why be a line cook over being a dishwasher and burn yourself and shit? I’m assuming there are dishwashers at your place Fizzzle? So they make the same as line cooks? Kinda fucked.

Yep. 'Tis fucked.


We're in the beginnings of staging a walk out. I'm not sure how it's going to happen, but there's already a bunch of people on board. It's not hard to find employees who are pissed off and fed up with shit, anyway. My company employs a couple thousand people. If we get even a fraction of the ones who work in my area of Portland, it'll move the needle.


Line cooks are generally treated like shit and I won't stand for paying them the same as you would make at fucking, well literally anything else. They docked the pay of cooks without telling anyone, they docked the pay of trainers without telling anyone. The only people they docked the pay of that they actually DID tell were salaried employees. Everyone else they just hoped wouldn't notice. Well motherfuckers we did. If I get fired, so be it. I will have another job by the end of the week (so will the cooks, turns out there's a shortage of those at the moment), while the company loses tens of thousands of dollars at the very least every day we don't show up. They got over $10 million from the government like 8 months ago, they can fuck right off.

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9 hours ago, best3444 said:

I worked 20 some odd days in a row some being 12 hour shifts mixed in. I'd calm down if I were you. You seem extremely angry and miserable! I'd find another job asap.


You seem to need to focus on your mental health rather than worry about the line cooks. If this is coming off cruel I'm not meaning it that way. I'm just shooting some advice.

This has been building, it's not some last minute thing. They've been treated like shit while being "essential employees" for too long. It's fucked up and I'm fed up with it. I don't care if I get fired, I'll have another job within a few days. A lot of us have been pushed to the limit. Eventually you have to stand for something. We'll see if it amounts to anything, but a lot of people just don't care anymore.


8 hours ago, Biggie said:

I’m betting there is a 98% chance you do absolutely nothing about the line cooks minimum wage situation and instead purchase an 8 Ball and have a nose candy party. 

with what money?

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3 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

This has been building, it's not some last minute thing. They've been treated like shit while being "essential employees" for too long. It's fucked up and I'm fed up with it. I don't care if I get fired, I'll have another job within a few days. A lot of us have been pushed to the limit. Eventually you have to stand for something. We'll see if it amounts to anything, but a lot of people just don't care anymore.


I get you and I do feel bad for the hard working cooks. Keep the fight then and I wish you only good luck and good health. You're a good dude who's been through a lot. I know you could find another job just because of your experience and knowledge on not only your occupation but on life in general. You're a smart mother fucker and know how to survive. 

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@Fizzzzle This article just popped up on yahoo. A good read for your concerns and this thread in general.



Jim Conway started working in restaurants in 1982, making $2.13 an hour, plus tips. And though the world has changed significantly in the nearly 40 years since then, his hourly wage...


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