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You ever wanted to hear about the "good" of slavery?

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"If you're having a discussion on slavery, then you can talk about everything dealing with slavery, the good, the bad, the ugly," said state Rep. Ray Garofalo.



Garofalo, who chairs the House Education Committee, said during a hearing on the bill, also known as HB 564, that his legislation sought to remove "politics out of the classroom" and cultivate "a learning environment free of discrimination.



When Garofalo began to explain how slavery could be taught in the classroom, his comments elicited derision.


"If you're having a discussion on slavery, then you can talk about everything dealing with slavery, the good, the bad, the ugly," he said. 


Just a reminder that fuck that guy and everyone like him.

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Similarly in idaho


Education policy and curriculum taught in Idaho public schools have been a hot topic throughout the last few weeks of the Legislative session.




HB 377 would prevent Idaho teachers and administrators from discussing any sort of belief system that claims racism or sexism are responsible for past actions in history with students. It would also prohibit any conversations claiming one group of people defined by their sex, ethnicity or race are better than or less than any other.



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Here's how every discussion of the Civil War should go with a Lost Causer:


"The Civil War was about states' rights!"

"Their right to what?"

"Their right to secede!"

"Why did they want to secede?"

"Because of Lincoln or blah blah habeas corpus!"

"Lincoln hadn't even been sworn in yet when South Carolina seceded. Of the 4 main candidates in 1860, he was like the teeny-weeny-littlest bit possibly an abolitionist. But not like hard, though. Like, if we're comparing abolitionists to commies, John Brown is Lenin and Lincoln is Bernie Sanders."


It's slavery. It always has been slavery. I went to school in a very liberal part of the country and I still was taught a watered down Lost Cause myth in high school. Antebellum American history should be labeled in classrooms as "I'm sorry, but your great-great granddaddy was probably a racist piece of shit and I don't know why you feel loyalty to him anyway"

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The Lost Cause is one of the most pernicious lies that has ever been told in these country. It deserves to die, like the rotten Confederacy. The Confederacy was white supremacy. To deny it is to deny reality. I get that southerners want to pretend otherwise but it is the truth. You want heroes? Numerous southerners fought to preserve the Union. George Thomas, for example, was a far better man than Robert E. Lee ever was, and probably a better general.

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1 minute ago, thewhyteboar said:

The Lost Cause is one of the most pernicious lies that has ever been told in these country. It deserves to die, like the rotten Confederacy. The Confederacy was white supremacy. To deny it is to deny reality. I get that southerners want to pretend otherwise but it is the truth. You want heroes? Numerous southerners fought to preserve the Union. George Thomas, for example, was a far better man than Robert E. Lee ever was, and probably a better general.

There's also a lot of southerners who fought against the confederacy, something that we should buy into more. East Tennessee, West Virginia, etc. There's a fairly easy to craft narrative here around southerners but this doesn't give the high of white supremacy

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5 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

The Lost Cause is one of the most pernicious lies that has ever been told in these country. It deserves to die, like the rotten Confederacy. The Confederacy was white supremacy. To deny it is to deny reality. I get that southerners want to pretend otherwise but it is the truth. You want heroes? Numerous southerners fought to preserve the Union. George Thomas, for example, was a far better man than Robert E. Lee ever was, and probably a better general.

Hell, there's Newton Knight, they made a movie about him and everything.


I just think there's this feeling a lot of people have that to teach the evils of slavery is like admitting that WE did something wrong. We didn't do it, our ancestors did. Our ancestors were assholes. That doesn't have to make us assholes, too. Some misguided blind loyalty to a racist piece of shit who lived 150 years ago and happened to pass down some DNA shouldn't make you proud or ashamed of anything.


Also, while I'm at it (this topic gets me on a roll), people will say that the Civil War couldn't have been about slavery because like only 1% of southern whites owned slaves or whatever. That stat is horseshit, the only person in a household who technically "owned" anything was the head of the household, so a family of 12 could own 100 slaves and technically only the head of the household actually owned those people. On average, about 1 in 3 white people in the south either owned an enslaved person or came from a slaving family at the time of the Civil War. That number was higher in big planter states like Georgia, South Carolina, and Mississippi.

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5 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

just think there's this feeling a lot of people have that to teach the evils of slavery is like admitting that WE did something wrong. We didn't do it, our ancestors did. Our ancestors were assholes. That doesn't have to make us assholes, too.

"Why should I have to pay reparations for something my ancestors did/didn't?"

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