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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. Great AEW PPV last night. Every match was at least solid except for the Cody match which had a weird feud/build to begin with. They booked around Sting honestly as best as could possibly be done and he looked fine especially considering his age and condition. The 3 way was fantastic. Stadium Stampede 2 was fun. Best part of the whole show though was having a full house live crowd back and they came to cheer.
  2. Watched it last night, no zombie movie should ever be over 2 hours. It was a zach snyder movie through and through.
  3. Keeping the product close to the ICE version is probably what is needed for a lot of buyers especially when it comes to what is generally a more conservative group like truck buyers.
  4. Biden wasn't even driving the Ford either. You can see a second driver's ed steering wheel in front of the passenger and when Biden turns the steering wheel the front tires do not move. I think there is some secret service rule that presidents can't drive under any circumstances.
  5. Never heard of this show before. The Cuomo, Trump and OJ ones were decent.
  6. Castlevania Season 4 I liked the final season overall. Characters and dialogue remain great. Issac's plot always felt like a side story throughout the series that I hoped would tie into the main characters at the end, sadly it did not. The animation at times is top notch and at other times you can really see where a bit more budget would have helped out tremendously especially the fight scenes where the camera spins around the action which happens a lot this season. The final fight is suitably epic. 8/10
  7. as others have mentioned this is not a typical "game". I would classify it somewhat of a mix of the old Kings Quest type games and a visual novel. It isn't going to be for everyone, I have a couple of friends that play tons of games and are also avid readers but I know for a fact that would dislike this type of experience.
  8. Just beat it, yeah this game is a masterpiece that will stand the test of time like few games can. The breath and depth of the writing is utterly staggering, it is not hyperbole to say I doubt someone will even attempt to write this much quality dialogue for a game anytime soon, I wouldn't be surprised if it is decades.
  9. https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1392658801396961281?s=19 We should enjoy Darby Allen while we can because that guy is not going to have a long career
  10. So if ignore the substantial inflation on two of the things that everyone needs things aren't that bad, gee thanks economists. I know my grocery bills are up no exaggeration 50%+ from two years ago.
  11. Nobody It was fine slightly more grounded version of John Wick 7/10 Mortal Kombat 2021 Wasn't exactly expecting the Godfather here but wow it was quite bad 3.5/10
  12. its a little all over the place though, Omni-man leaves earth around issue 12 or 13 pretty much exactly like it happens in the show but the stuff with Mark going to Mars and the new Guardians of the Globe getting their asses kicked by Battle Beast happen after that in the comic so things aren't in the same order Thematically the comic retreads the same ground a few times so I wouldn't be surprised if they cut or combine some plots. I would guess 5 seasons total, maybe bumping the last couple out to 10 episodes each.
  13. 5.5 hit, lets see what they add for extra bonuses now
  14. they are almost at 4.9 with 36 hours to go, 5.5 looking very possible now
  15. Glad to see rifftrax involvement. Wonder if they will have any more surprises with them for the final push.
  16. 4.4 million level hit and they are pacing ahead of where they were on the first kickstarter so 5.5 is possible but this kickstarter might have been more frontloaded since people have a better idea what they are getting into this time around.
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