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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Conservatives are on average much whiter and somewhat wealthier, so the inefficiencies of government don't matter because it is hurting The Right People
  2. Once the votes are cast, the left isn't needed. We're not a parliamentary system where the NDP can pull out and collapse the government!
  3. Partly influenced by the bipartisan, generally business deferential ideology of governors and other state lawmakers, and partly by the inability of most, if not all, states from going into the red.
  4. It's a well worn meme among the right that "they're counting everyone who dies with covid as having died of covid"
  5. The Kentucky GOP base in EKY and WKY absolutely depend on the USPS. It'd be a dunker for anyone with talent to oppose mitch but they've got McGrath so my hopes aren't up
  6. Pretty easy to say "I will serve my full term" and if he resigns it'll be because of health or whatever. I don't think this, the lifelong goal of Biden, is something he's just going to want to give up halfway through unless he really can't handle it. But but all indications he is able to, even if he isn't as sharp as he once was
  7. Shame that hurricane Marco isn't gonna hit Florida
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