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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Forgot to mention, and it isn't shown in the tweets, she isn't just some backbencher. She's the president pro tem of the Virginia state senate.
  2. If northam was not a coward he'd immediately pardon her But he is So here we are
  3. Just because there's no real alternative doesn't mean I can't be critical. It's just stupidity that we're doing the same thing as 2008 but looking at smaller majorities in congress and the problems from then haven't changed and if anything have gotten more urgent. All the while the GOP has purged from office anyone who might support some sort of compromise. Like yeah, great, these former officeholders are having a change of heart on civility, not policy, great, but how exactly are they going to get anyone in the Senate on board? They won't, and all signaling seems to show that we will still need to get 60 votes for anything that isn't by unanimous consent like renaming post offices. So congrats folks, this failed strategy might just work this time! I'm sure some more out of office republicans will get behind you and will tally into dozens of votes
  4. Can't wait for a repeat for the Obama years, not the first two years where things got done, but there last six where we were sleepwalking into disaster. All in the name of hoping for some magical middle ground. News flash, republicans saw their fortunes rise in steadfast opposition to Obama, they're going to do the same fucking thing with Biden. There won't be a "return to civility" for the simple fact that there never really was "civility" to begin with, it was a whitewashing. They're either the exact same actors as before or the children and disciples of these same actors. Their dismantling of the state is a long game, and they're winning, if not having won already and democrats have no interest in opposing that; their only interest is having individual politicos holding power. You see this shit with the gerrymanders democrats do! Rather than potentially secure another seat for the party, they'd rather *totally* secure the one seat of an incumbent. Hope everyone is excited for 4 years of bad faith defecit scolding from republicans, with uncritical help from the media.
  5. Also just do a quick Google search on "average CFL salary" and "average NFL salary" these folks up north aren't living high on the hog! The highest paid CFL player seems to have as contract valued at around the NFL average.
  6. I don't doubt that they would like some purpose, as such that work provides, but it appears that they're getting money and already have healthcare.
  7. Wall Street and corporations spend billions in computer fraud and phishing training, and there's still failures! This leads to data ransoming and compromised internal networks. Now put this in the context of an election where the data ransoming by a state actor, like say Russia (I hate doing this) in coordination with a domestic political party, could random the election data (modified or not) in exchange for recognition for Russian annexation of Crimea. A dumb example, but it's clear what my point is here.
  8. Laid off stadium/concession/etc employees in Canada are better off than employed Americans in similar situations
  9. Electronic voting is a terrible idea. Anyone wanting that doesn't remember our own history or technology enough to be making such a determination
  10. Not having hearings is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. What rep wouldn't love to get time to pontificate to the PMG about why grandma isn't getting her meds?
  11. Imagine thinking that US political intervention in central and south America has no effect on gun violence in the region. When was the last time we armed, trained, and funded Canadian separatist or anti-communist/pro-american Capitalism groups? And I don't need to remind you of our operations vis a vi the drug war in the region, too. It's fundamentally stupid to compare Canada and anything south of the Rio grande. To say nothing of our economic exploitation of the global south and the effects of that on their poverty, which has been acknowledged in this thread to contribute to crime, including gun related crime
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