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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. “Forced to” my man what makes you think they won’t just send out expired tests
  2. I’ll have you know I live in the independent city of Richmond, and not one of the suburban counties. the border to one is a couple hundred feet away
  3. Huh I wonder why they are offering such high interest rates because I personally have no idea! Oh well better bet the literal house on it!
  4. The van I got last April (curiously right before prices on cars shot up) I have 20k miles on already.
  5. Strongly considering selling my wife’s ‘11 Fit. Only 125k miles!
  6. I’d love to install a proper fire pit but the cost of pavers is more than I want to spend but I feel like I don’t have much of a choice.
  7. With those restrictions I’m honestly surprised it passed
  8. Not natural born, ergo not a natural born citizen, so sorry you can be president
  9. How anyone can look at the cpi and not immediately come away with a major solution being “build a lot of dense housing where you don’t need a car for everyday living” is beyond me. like it won’t help food prices going up but it blunts the appreciation in new and used cars, shelter, and lessens the impact of the increase in price of energy. Like just look at the cpi components and that shit just jumps off the screen.
  10. Shouldn’t be discussing politics at work anyway, but the worst part of this is finding out their address is 1 Hacker Way
  11. Just checked in on my old apartment. 1br units are going for what I paid for a 2br two years ago. And the one 2br unit that is available is more than my mortgage. Shits wild.
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