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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Speaking of which what will be the first state to threaten or try to pass a law for a search engine with accessory to murder for giving results on how or where to get an abortion?
  2. You do realize why those homes are worth $2-4 million right? When these homes go on the market a developer should be able to purchase it and then build more homes in its place as there’s clearly a market for housing. reconfiguring commuter rail to more than just peak time commuter rail isn’t as difficult or expensive as you think (and I think GO is already doing some of this). building dense housing around these stations with minimal parking creates ridership in itself. Making available all areas within one mile around a GO station to a modest 10k/sqmi means tens of thousands of new homes available to be built, but the parking lots are the low hanging fruit. And this makes the transit system better because having car dependent transit limits its usefulness.
  3. He was not fired. He was placed on leave for violating district policy and importantly did not seek to reapply for his job when his contract ended. It may seem like this doesn’t matter but it does. Teachers are told repeatedly that their jobs are not guaranteed between contracts and if you violate policy you probably won’t get offered a contract extension. This happens all the time. So if the policy is somehow in violation of the constitution what is the remedy? That he be given a contract extension for a job he didn’t try to reapply for?
  4. With the right development many of those places can be walkable without much trouble. North York for example has a decent grid and is close to the subway but is still largely surrounded by single family homes. There’s also dozens of acres of surface parking around GO stations that I see that can and should be redeveloped for housing for people instead of cars.
  5. And he shouldn’t even have standing since he moved out of state and no longer works for the school
  6. Supreme Court Leans Toward Coach in Case on School Prayer - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM Members of the court’s conservative majority indicated that the coach, Joseph A. Kennedy, had a constitutional right to kneel and pray at the 50-yard line after games. It’s already on the docket! (And also nyt has such a shit summary)
  7. Social security and Medicare/Medicaid. Acb (autocorrected to acab lol) all but said so in her confirmation hearing. These people want to roll back everything since the new deal*! It’s where the modern conservative movement started! *there evidence that if they could they’d pull back the civil war amendments, especially 14th, as they ignore the implication of the text of this one in particular
  8. Kick the nonprofit industrial complex losers who don’t know how to talk to people outside of their activist circles from the party
  9. Maybe they should have more intense land uses than single family homes within a mile of metro stops as can be easily seen from google maps
  10. The women he’s used to dating haven’t had their first period yet so doubtful
  11. Given the relatively low interest rates and relatively high inflation and home price appreciation unless you’re just debt adverse I don’t really see an upside to waiting. Unless there’s something I’m missing. that said there’s services that can front you money for all cash offers (for a handsome fee) if you’ve got something as collateral
  12. There’s an acute housing shortage that’s not going anywhere anytime soon. It would take a lot to drop demand as buyers are usually very well qualified right now and there’s lots of them
  13. It’s already on the docket! The Supreme Court adds affirmative action to its potential hit list WWW.NPR.ORG With the court already having heard arguments this term on abortion and guns, this case marks yet another politically charged issue that threatens to uproot decades of legal doctrine.
  14. Might be worth not relying on putting the entire transportation sector for largely single occupancy vehicles on the grid and instead build a LOT of dense housing in walkable areas near expanded frequent public transit
  15. It makes sense for the party as a whole as it gives individual congressmen the ability to prove their “independence from Nancy pelosi” by having a less than perfect voting record from NARAL, and they’re able to get in the weeds with “I don’t support abortion [in this strawman case], but abortion should be safe legal and rare”. Plus if the party doesn’t support it, it’s gone for good for sure.
  16. Yep. They’ve been playing this game since before I’ve were born. The federalist society, the fringe conservative legal group whose members now include all 6 conservative justices, was founded in the shadow of the decisions of the Warren court, the breaking of the new deal coalition/Republican southern strategy, and the Goldwater presidential bid. They’ve overtaken the institutional Republican Party legal wing and can now effectively rule by judicial decree. but I don’t think it’s one part of the coalition not showing up or whatever that has caused this. The nature of our dumb electoral systems benefit the nonpresidential party in midterms and it takes a LOT to undo that. Like literally 9/11 for the presidential party to not lose seats in a midterm. And it just so happens that now there’s more straight ticket voting and dems have won the presidency a majority of the time since the early 90’s.
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