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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Politics is for politics. Shame we had to wait 15 months for the very first public hearing though
  2. I get that but I’m asking why he was showing Nancy.
  3. Remembering how trump used border patrol agents in DC and Portland in summer 2020
  4. I’m sorry you can’t post this on the Doom and Gloom forum
  5. You misunderstand me. It is a job you may hold up to the rest of your life. The next logical step is where we’re coming to as a society.
  6. No I’m pretty sure it’s assault rifle is the only thing that makes sense
  7. Also I’m probably wrong on the back of the envelope math I did but let me reiterate: I don’t care. Let’s do it anyway.
  8. This would probably be the largest engineering feat of all time. Just to match existing evaporation you’d need to add 2.9 million acre feet of water per year. That’s 3.6 trillion cubic meters, or about 150 cubic meters per second to simply match evaporation (this is all per a quick google search or ten). If we used one large tube it would have to have a diameter of 14 meters for this volume. I didn’t consider what is coming into the lake from current natural sources but I don’t care. You’d need over 130 four foot diameter pipelines (slightly smaller in diameter than what I could find as the widest oil pipeline). You’d have a minimum distance of over 800 miles per pipeline to travel so these things would be everywhere. The energy input required would be absolutely enormous to overcome the losses due to the sheer length of the lines. but on the plus side if you’re doing this you might as well desalinate water for the entire west and Mexico as that would be a tiny fraction of the total volume of water needed for this. It has the added benefit of helping make the water entering the great salt lake the appropriate salinity as it is saltier on average than the ocean, also giving you a place to safely put the brackish waste water making the desalination process less environmentally destructive. At $500/linear foot of material cost (made up number but who cares) it would be only $350billion for the pipe materials not for install or pumps or anything else. it’s needlessly dumb, costly, and insanely large. I LOVE IT.
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