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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. The current state of the State of Israel is proof that all the anti semitic “Jews control the world!!!” Rhetoric is laughable on yet another level (if you take that shit at face value which you should not)
  2. Added to that is they often have enormous success running on “these guys are fucking crazy, look at what they’ve said they’re going to do and look at the crimes they’ve openly said they have or will commit” but then do jack shit after. It’s been this way for 40+ years. after Nixon the gop got away with and continues to get away with crimes virtually unchecked so go figure they keep pushing things until they go full Christian nationalist Jim Crow style sham democracy
  3. Cmon man. More Biden voters were in Texas than any state other than CA and FL.
  4. My mother in law has covid. She is a former smoker and cancer survivor who uses a cpap every night because of her low o2 levels. before her positive test it was “the sickest [she has] ever been” but after it was “just a bad cold” she’s only had two shots, no booster because “what’s the point? I don’t even get my flu shot every year” quick can anyone guess who she voted for
  5. Jersey taking W after W on the urbanism front
  6. I thought maybe it was a specialty equipment manufacturer but no they just grade the dirt at site before building so lmao
  7. “Republicans want to keep guns in the hands of domestic abusers” seems like it would be a slam dunk but as I understand that’s not bipartisan therefore it’s bad
  8. First google covers up the ai whistleblower and now this wow man dystopian 1984 vibes all over
  9. The only people I’ve ever met who didn’t fucking hate our medical system were those who either have phenomenal insurance or those who died
  10. Sure price growth might slow but also long term this locks in high housing costs
  11. As if the court hasn’t been steadily eroding the right the past 50+ years. Fuck this court
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