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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Openly black! My guess is they meant to say "openly gay" and had a stroke while typing that sentence
  2. The notion that Trump's rise and the grieviances of White America was driven by economic hardship was bullshit then and its bullshit now. This was obvious to anyone paying attention to the last couple of decades.
  3. Oh I know what the reasoning was... it just didn't make much sense considering the exploding number of cases. Sure you should prioritze the most vulnerable, but not to the point where you're throwing out doses because you can't get it to those folks fast enough. That's just assinine.But what else could you expect from THIS fucking administration.
  4. It seems to me that you would probably want to vaccinate the group that's leading the numbers in new cases... which I don't think is 65 and over. Nothing about this rollout makes sense.
  5. I spend as little time on Facebook as possible... fuck it. They are an incompetently evil and irresponsible company DIRECTLY responisble for the fucked up social discourse we are currently experiencing. Fuck that company. The damage they've done to our parent's generation ALONE is unforgivable.
  6. Finished Hades for the first time yesterday with the Rail gun. Made the game a hell of a lot easier... gonn continue playing with the rest of the weapons as well. Also started Ass. Creed Odyssey back up, trying to get back into that. Also will continue Godfall and get that off my plater as well... it also gives me a reason to turn on my PS5.
  7. No reason we can't get this and have our own fight nights... I remember doing a Capcon vs SNK tournament on the IGN boards back in the day. I think a couple of guys who post here participated...
  8. That's just the tip of the ice berg. There's more coming... as bad as it seemed on TV it was MUCH MUCH worse.
  9. Does Hitman 3 come with 1 and 2? Pre-order editions explained – HITC WWW.HITC.COM Some people are asking does Hitman 3 come with 1 and 2, and here you'll find an explanation of the different pre-order editions.
  10. FUCKING Republicans shuld be voted out of office and banished from Government for a generation. FUCK. THESE. GUYS.
  11. Some were armed. A couple were arrested for weapons possesion. They also had pipe bombs and moltov cocktails... at least one of them did.
  12. One last comment on the woman getting shot... let's not view this in a vacuum. Those Cops guarding that door were LITERALLY the last line of defense between that Mob and getting to Congress Members. All of the other tactics discussed in @Brick's lengthy post (Baton, Pepper Spray, etc.) had been deployed and FAILED at that point. The Rioters had beaten several cops, KILLING one and non-lethal force was STILL being deployed. Again... it's a wonder, and a egregious security failure to be honest, that shots had NOT been fired when we know Cops have deployed lethal force in FAR less serious situations and justifiable encounters. To question whther or not THIS shooting was justified strains credulity.
  13. And @Brick don't think I'm particularly upset with you or think you're a bad person. I've called out friends of mine that I known for decades and think of as brothers like this too. It's a bad take... you may not be fully aware of it but it is and it does nothing but muddy the waters. There was clear right and wrong here. This woman getting shot was not wrong. It was sad and her blood is on Trump's andd his enablers hands too... but that Cop that shot her was doing his duty and I say that without a hint of irony. Again... MY DAD WAS A COP... as critical as I am of them. So was my Grandmother.
  14. Ok if we're having an "honest discussion" then let's not ignore the overwhelming majority of unarmed shootings that happen in this country with police and pretend its NOT an issue of race. Let's also not pretend that this is an ENTIRELY different circumstance than most of those shootings. This woman was shot as she was breaking into the inner chamber of Congress with an angry mob behind her and you are really playing a slightly veiled version of "whataboutism" here? THAT'S what I'm calling you out on.
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