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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Was always the plan. Spiderman is next for the Sony guys and then Black Panther for all platforms.
  2. Hawkeye and Future Imperefect DLC coming March 18th Along with next gen upgrades.
  3. I thought there was a little Growing Pains in that episode too.
  4. Agreed... Full House was the MAIN inspiration for that episode I thought. Moreso than those other two... I don't even remember Step by Step
  5. That seems unlikely... I know Brother Voodoo is going to debut in that movie and Namor is rumored to debut in Black Panther 2 as the villain.
  6. new Godzilla trailer. Things don't look too good for Kong in this one
  7. Pretty much this... he's all sizzle and no steak. That got him over for a couple of film, but Sucker Punch pretty much exposed him as a visual director with little interest in character and nuance. There are things I like about Man of Steel and things I loathe and the the things I loather were confirmed in his subsequent movies. He basically didn't get the DC heroes and is stuck in the grim and gritty era of comics and refuses to leave it. I'm gonna watch this cut of the film and I expect to see some great visuals, decent action and a lot of slow mo with power rock underscores... but that's about it. BTW I was a Snyder FAN. Loved his DOTD remake and 300. Was pretty lukewarm on everything after that He just hasn't grown that much as a director in my opinion outside of how much slow-mo he can stuff into a film.
  8. My ex was inititally told 90 days, but then was told she could get it after 10 days without symptoms. She got her first dose last week.
  9. More folks come forward about Joss Firefly Writer Claims Joss Whedon Bragged About Making a Female Writer Cry Twice in One Meeting PEOPLE.COM Buffy the Vampire Slayer actress Charisma Carpenter recently accused Joss Whedon of abusive behavior
  10. I expect one more age up from them too to get them to being teenagers.
  11. Look at Kumail Najani... COMMENTARY: Kumail Nanjiani’s new ‘superhero’ body is about more than those pecs GLOBALNEWS.CA Actor Kumail Nanjiani has detailed how his muscleman makeover was no walk in the park, and Meera Estrada says she appreciates his honesty. That mofo's movie hasn't even come out yet and he can't keep his shirt on.
  12. Pietro seems to be a combination of the MCU anf Fox versions... some of their memories don't line up and he definitely has the Fox version's personality. Like the jokes about their accents.
  13. Right... but most of us aren't public and begging for negative attention.
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