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Everything posted by ort

  1. I can't wait to see the broadway version of this version...
  2. In the minds of Palestinians, Israel started the fight. So their disproportional attack is just as justified. This isn't my belief, I'm just pointing out that the same logic can be applied in either direction.
  3. What a week!!! To recap what we learned about the show… - ATOM EVE special episode live NOW. Go watch it. Twice. Three times, maybe? - Atom Eve is the best. This is not new information, it just should be reiterated whenever possible. - First four episodes of Season 2 start Nov. 3, airing weekly through Nov. 24. - Then there will be a short break for you to take a breath, hug your family, and reflect on what you just experienced in Episode 204. - Next four episodes will arrive in early 2024. - Season 3 voice recording is complete and will help ensure there won’t be as long a gap again. - Sterling K. Brown is Angstrom Levy (!!!), Peter Cullen is Thaedus (!!!), and more legends like Rhea Seehorn, Tatiana Maslany and Josh Keaton are joining Season 2. SORRY, POORLY WORDED. Posted JULY 25th, 8 posts up from that other post...
  4. Also posted in July... All voice work from both seasons 2 and 3 have been recorded.
  5. Everyone should be... it was posted here in July 8 posts up... But yeah, it sucks... I will wait until they are all out. I need to rewatch season one again before I watch season 2, it's been too long and my memory sucks...
  6. I know I'm breaking your rules with a straight up horror parody flick, but does anyone remember that early 80s horror spoof Student Bodies? I've always had a soft spot for that movie and think it's kind of a lost gem. No one seems to even know it exists. One of my favorite movie quotes of all time is from that flick and I still use it at least every few months... "All these years I have been secretly naked underneath my clothes."
  7. I think some Palestinians are salty that so much more value seems to be placed on the lives of Israelis. Like, where were the posters for Palestinians over the last 70 years? Why don't they put up posters in the street when Israel destroys an apartment building with a rocket? Why is that any less of a tragedy? Also, putting up missing persons posters in America for someone missing in Israel is nothing more than war propaganda. It serves no real purpose beyond riling people up. I'm not condoning this behavior, just explaining their thought process. They 100% should not be ripping down the posters. It is a vile thing to do and is not helping their cause. I'm very disappointed that America is not doing more to try to de-escalate this situation and is instead seemingly only interested in fanning the flames of war.
  8. It's fascinating that during this American ships and baes in the region have been repeatedly fired upon and the US military has done multiple airstrikes in Syria targeting Iranian linked military bases and it's barely even being discussed in the mainstream news... I mean, you know, someone somewhere thinks maybe we should maybe consider options beyond "BOMB EVERYTHING NOW NOW NOW" and thus they hate all jews and are basically nazis for having that opinion... let's focus on that. I think Rashida Talib made a thoughtful nuanced statement, let's call her a terrorist, dehumanize her and threaten to lock her up for treason. That will make this whole thing better. I think it's really important that anyone who has any opinion beyond LET'S TURN GAZA INTO RUBBLE is a known anti-semite America hating monster worthy of imprisionment or death. It's really starting to remind me of post 9/11 America and how much we all lost out minds. You know what, I still remember people ripping me to shreds for not wanting to go to war after 9/11, and guess what, I was right then and I am right now... We can do better. We need to do better. DO FUCKING BETTER.
  9. The current level of Israel discourse on twitter is unfathomable toxic and terrible. Like, I spend a lot of time wallowing in dark hostile places online and I can't remember ever seeing it quite like this. It's soul crushing and depressing.
  10. I enjoyed the multiple comments on Fox News saying "If they are so proud of doing this, then why did they have to do it in secret?" Critical thinking skills aren't always on point with these people.
  11. People on twitter are saying they found his (now removed) twitter account and he followed all the big right wing accounts... Tucker, Trump Jr, Musk, Cat Turd, Dinesh D'Souza, etc... He's a CHUD. Or maybe he's an idiot like me and hate reads it all and it drove him mad. Who knows...
  12. I also get this bundled through Apple One or whatever... if I had to pay for it separately I wouldn't bother. There have been a few shows on it I like, but it is by far my least used streaming service. By a huge margin.
  13. His name is allegedly out there. People on twitter are saying he was in the army for like 20 years and has child porn charges on his record. Not sure if accurate.
  14. I like how conservatives try to emulate the left and be all outraged over anti-semitism and freak out over every single little thing anyone says or does... but they are so bad at it though... it's like they are playing a game they really don't even understand. Like they think they understand how it works, but in reality, they are bad faith idiotic dipshits who have no fucking clue about anything beyond trying to drive their stupids shithead dumb fuck moron followers to commit acts of violence because the chaos is good for them.
  15. The first three episodes of Scavengers Reign are available on Max now. Each week, the streamer will add three more, until all 12 have been released on November 9. 'Scavengers Reign' Team Talks Through The Worldbuilding Process For Their Sci-Fi Thriller Series - Exclusive WWW.CARTOONBREW.COM Check out the concept and development artwork that went into Max's 'Scavengers Reign,' debuting today.
  16. Episode one was good. Super strong Nausicaä vibes. I guess this is a mini series? It seemingly came out of nowhere. The show doesn't even have a wikipedia page... or at least, it didn't as of yesterday... which is crazy for a show like this on a HBO Max. So are we going to get an episode a week? Are they dropping it in chunks? The lack of info on this show is kinda weird. SEE BELOW
  17. A point that is made ALL THE TIME in the comments section where they allow their users to engage openly in fantasies about armed civil war and murdering liberals and minorities.
  18. Fox News really isn't going to be happy until we're killing each other in the streets. I mean, maybe that isn't their goal, but they sure are acting like that is their goal.
  19. I used to be a Daily Show mega fan for years and years and years... but I've really lost my taste for these left leaning comedic politics shows. They all feel the same to me. Apple has a very touchy relationship with China. If China decides to put the screws to them they can basically destroy their entire corporation overnight with the stroke of a pen. It's a symbiotic relationship, in that Apple spends SO MUCH money in China, but at the end of the day, China really likes Apple's money but Apple cannot really continue to exist if China shuts them off. China's influence on the media and other corporations here is disgusting. It applies to every company that manufactures electronics. It's not unique to Apple, they are just one of the most visible and obvious examples. I wish more companies would stand up to them, but it really isn't in their best interest unfortunately. Sucks.
  20. The conspiracy theory on this is that Putin is behind the timing of the Hamas assault and is also pulling the strings to keep the house republicans from electing a leader to cause chaos, and weaken our ability to approve emergency military funding, etc and to split americas attention so he can make some sort of move in Ukraine or maybe just to be a dick.
  21. I think Max is my most used service, but I pretty much just bounce around. I go where the shows I want are. We have Max, Netflix, Prime, Disney + and Bally Sports Midwest. My son sometimes has Crunchy Roll. I think I'm gonna drop Disney + because I haven't used it in a long time either. Lately I have been using Pluto TV to watch Star Trek or to put a bad old movie on in the background while I play on my iPad. I'm a big fan of Pluto TV. It feels like dollar store cable. It's the UHF of streaming services.
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