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Everything posted by ort

  1. How is it possible for someone to have such a lack of self awareness? tucker Carlson is such a colossal piece of shit. He's a fucking cancer on this planet. Garbage human. A literal monster walking amongst us. A pathetic dishonest hate filled subhuman goblin of a man who actively makes the world a worse place to live on every day of his life. The worst kind of person imaginable.
  2. I mean, that's basically the mantra of the NRA. We need our guns so we can overthrow the government. If we don't overthrow the government by shooting them with our freedom guns it's almost like we hate america...
  3. There's been an assassination attempt against 2 former presidents, a secretary of state, etc... and Trump seems more fired up about a news story about his cell phone use. Seems normal.
  4. I'll probably put it on my christmas list and then never play it. Kinda like Resident Evil 7 last year. Still in the shrink wrap.
  5. I don't think I've ever hated anyone or anything more than I hate Donald Trump. I hate him right down to my very core. He's the manifestation of everything I despise.
  6. This caravan shit is just pure, raw undistilled racism. It's that simple and it's not up for debate. If you believe otherwise, you are wrong.
  7. I would set up a trust fund for each of my kids, put aside like 50 million bucks to give a nice payday to my extended family and close friends, buy a big chunk of land somewhere and build the house of my dreams, start 2 companies... and iOS game development company and some sort of charitable foundation. I would hire people to do most of the day-to-day work and work as much at both as I feel like. Also, travel a lot.
  8. I bought my AirPods like 3 months ago so I'm actually not hoping for new ones yet... but purely for selfish reasons... Honestly, they feel pretty perfect, not sure how much better they can get. I guess I'd like volume controls... and I'd like them in black...
  9. They keep raising the prices on everything, it's so annoying. Hey look at our new laptops, they're like 10% better and hey, 25% more expensive! But like, aren't they supposed to get cheaper? No, look, they are better, so naturally they cost more now! But like, usually laptops get better every year and then the price stays the same or goes down... But, yeah, but, these are better! They always get better, that's how this has always worked? They're better and they cost more! They have a whole bunch of features no one actually wants! But like, I'm not buying this... Well, if you're looking for a budget model, may we refer you to this 6 year old piece of shit we're charging a massive amount of money for? The same amount of money you used to be able to buy a pretty modern and up-todate laptop for in the past? Yeah, uh, hard pass...
  10. If Soros is paying the mobs like they always say, isn't it the same thing? It's trickle down economics at it's best really. Soros gets his tax cut, then uses his wealth to give the poors jobs and stimulate the economy.
  11. Because he makes all liberals bad. You see, he did or said something bad and now we all did or said that thing. He attended an event with another notable person, and now we all condone everything he's ever said or done.
  12. Trumps is probably super jealous about the whole thing... "Why can't I have goon squads cut up journalists with a bone saw? What's even the point of being president? It's just not fair!!"
  13. I mean, the president of the united states is engaging in a back and forth insult fight with a porn star and it's not even the big story of the day... it's just lost in the shuffle. I mean, I know this gets said often, but imagine, just imagine for a split second how the right wing media machine would respond if this was Obama? If Obama had the week Trump just had it would have been his most scandalous week of his entire time as president. It would literally be all the right wing talking heads would talk about for the next 20 years. For Trump? It's a shrug emoji and let's move on...
  14. Trump simply using the term Pocahontas to disparage her about this is 50 times the scandal of anything she did. That's the most flabbergasting part of this. Even if it wasn't racist (it 110% is) it's also petty, juvenile and is more similar to the behavior of a catty jr high aged girl than the leader of the free world.
  15. Yeah, no. He's going to double and triple down on it now. This will make it worse. He lured her in. He's luring us all in, trying to get us to play his game. When we engage with this nonsense, we're making it worse. We're validating his behavior, which would be unfit for a fucking student body president of a high school, let alone leader of the most powerful country in the world.
  16. Doesn't this test say that she's 1/512 Cherokee? It actually does her no favors. Spending even one second trying to get to the bottom of this story is a complete and total waste of mental energy. It doesn't matter. Facts and nuance don't matter. The test could have said that she was 100% cherokee and it wouldn't matter. Trump voters are so fucking stupid it doesn't matter. How do I know they are fucking stupid? Because they voted for Donald Trump. That's really all you need to know. If you voted for Donald Trump, you are an idiot. It's that simple. You're a dimwitted fucktard who sucks and will suck forever. You got played and you're a total fucking dope. That's always been the most depressing part of the Trump presidency. It's not Trump. It's the fact that 60 million americans are apparently stupid enough to vote for him. That's fucking alarming and will not be getting better anytime soon.
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