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Everything posted by ort

  1. I'll take a new Advance Wars anywhere. If Nintendo was smart, they would port the game to smartphones...
  2. Attempting to frame a former FBI director for a crime he didn't commit? That surely has to be a crime.
  3. She's clearly making a joke about how people are racist, but for a person in Hillary's position it's a colossally stupid joke to make.
  4. I think that's because there is some stuff with little kids going off with strangers in those early episodes.
  5. The MacBook line is a hot confusing mess. You've got... 12" MacBook $1300 13" Air (old model) $1000 13" Air (New model) $1200 13" Pro w/o Touchbar $1300 13" Pro w/ Touchbar $1800 15" Pro $2400 What is with the low end? The 12" MacBook has turned into a joke. No update? It not small enough or cheaper enough compared to the Air or Pro to justify the performance hit. What are the different markets the 13" Pro w/o Touchy and new Air are targeting? They are basically the same damn computer for the exact same kind of consumer. Why do both models exist? I still think the old Air (which is STILL for sale) will be the most appealing for a lot of people. First of all, it's $200 cheaper which is a big deal for most people. Second, it has a "normal" keyboard and actual ports on the side that are useful. USB-C is nothing but a pain in the ass for 95% of Apple's market. Remember this? Modern Apple has taken a massive dump all over it. It keeps getting more and more ridiculous every year.
  6. So now do they sell 2 different iPads with two different pencils that don't work with each other? That seems smart.
  7. This is how those in power will make this go away. By making sure that it becomes so common and that the entire process becomes so tainted that no one will pay any attention to any allegations in the future. The Republicans are going to hit back on this one. Every major political candidate for the Dems is going to have multiple women come forward. It's going to happen. Because they see it all as political tricks, rather than something they need to address. They see everything as politics.
  8. How do you charge the pencil if your iPad is in a case??? (like 90% of the iPads I see are)
  9. It's all getting to be too predictable... Every single thing they released today was a significant price increase over models they are replacing. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Even the pencil ($99 to $129) and keyboard case ($159 to $179).
  10. As a former Simpson's mega-fan, I actually don't think writing him out of the show is the right solution. He actually grew into more of a nuanced character as the show went on. That said, they had to do something. Changing the voice actor was probably the right call, but the voice is so much of who he is, that would also be hard. Honestly, they should just throw in the towel and end the show. It's done. Not because of this, but because, come on... it's been on for like 30 years now. If the characters aged, bart would currently be a 40 year old man. Let's move on.
  11. One of the main points raised in the doc was that during the late 80s and 90s when the Simpsons was at it's prime, Apu was literally the only prominent Indian character in pretty much the entire world of television and movies. He was on one of the most popular TV shows of all time and was an over the top stereotype. So if you were an Indian person in America, almost every conversation or interaction with anyone would involve people saying Apu lines at you. Every single person you meet saying "Thank You, Come Again!" in a terrible accent drives you a little nuts after a decade or two.
  12. Everyone I know who has seen it loves it. At first it just seems like a vehicle for juvenile dick jokes... and it definitely is that... but it keeps building on layer after layer and it eventually goes in some really interesting directions. It's a very nuanced and thoughtful take on social media and our perceptions and biases. It's some quality shit.
  13. Yeah, the first season was a home run. Season 2 wasn't as strong, but was still enjoyable. That said, I'm not sure where the show would go from here, so this cancellation doesn't really bother me much. Anyone who hasn't watched this really should. It's a fast and easy watch.
  14. If you watch the documentary, they go over the origin of the character. To sum up... In one of the early table reads, there was a convenience store clerk who had to deliver a few lines that in no way were jokes or meant to be funny in any way. In the script, it specifically said NOT INDIAN. So when they were doing the read, Hank Azeria just read the non-joke lines in the thickest most ridiculously over-the-top indian accent he could muster and the room full of white people all cracked up. That's how Apu was born.
  15. I might care about this more if I had watched a single new episode of the Simpsons in the last decade.
  16. I mean, as (what i'm assuming) a bunch of white males, it's easy enough for us to say this annoys us. Before the recent controversy I honestly had never really thought about Apu being offensive at all... but I watched the documentary "The Problem With Apu". It does a very good job of explaining exactly why many Indian Americans find the character to be troublesome.
  17. He already put the word "bombs" in quotes in one of his tweets, which is basically him saying FUCK YOU to all of this. He doesn't give a shit. He's a sociopathic monster garbage person pile of shit.
  18. Well, now that they've caught and identified this guy the percentage of foxnews.com commenters claiming this is a dem conspiracy has now dropped from about 50% to around 20%. So there's that.
  19. Here's a snippet from his linkedin page... this guy can really form some coherent sentences... Career decision of becoming a Horse Doctor was always a love for animals, which were here first and never do anything to anyone. And respect all living things. My family very sound Sayoc name in Medical field Grandfather Col. Baltazar Zook Sayoc that perfect the conversion oriental eye to Americanize. The first plastic surgeon to be observed by 8 million people in NY city Hospital. He over through Communist Philippines liberated island. He built all hospitals in Philippines islands and sets standards highest level. Most surgeon use his instruments which are patented. And a lot surgeon use today. Also Sayoc intl. schools marshals arts Kali that used to over throw communist party . Also one 5 Hero’s disciplinary my mother Madeline Sayoc Giardiello First president Pharmacy Cosmetic Association, Who Who Business Women of Year, Soul buyer consultant for Home Shopping Network, head number 1 marketing consul in World Aventura Marketing consul, up for city counsel women Aventura.
  20. How is it possible for someone to have such a lack of self awareness? tucker Carlson is such a colossal piece of shit. He's a fucking cancer on this planet. Garbage human. A literal monster walking amongst us. A pathetic dishonest hate filled subhuman goblin of a man who actively makes the world a worse place to live on every day of his life. The worst kind of person imaginable.
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