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Everything posted by atom631

  1. Just played one the best matches yet. And while we didnt win, our squad did amazing. Everyone was communicating and spot on with the callouts. We had an awesome medic that was on point with the revives and bandages. This game creates these smaller battles within the larger one. Clearing out encampments. Destroying garrisons. Each smaller victory feels like you won a match in and of itself. cmon - D1Pers who are playing, lets squad up!
  2. im finding the community so far to be awesome. Although I think its been mostly console. I dont even know what their icon looks like for PC. So far though, everyone is welcoming and eager to show new players the ropes. I tried Insurgency and that community was instantly toxic and I stopped playing bc of it.
  3. Sounds like you had a good position and there was probably an outpost nearby. Next time, go hunting for it. Thats one of the key objectives to this game, destroying enemy garrisons and outposts. It makes it so much more difficult for them to get back on the point and cap or retake it.
  4. The comms are bugged on the PS5 right now. You have to reselect it every match. L1 will bring up the comm wheel. You can chose proximity (blue) and squad (green). Youll know which one you selected by having blue or green wavy lines on the bottom-center left of the screen. When you jump in a squad and the match starts, go into squad and announce youre calling for a mic check. Then make sure at least the squad leader responds. the menus were definitely made for KBM. Same thing with the map. Ive never felt like I needed to be closer to my TV to play a game, but for this one, Im sitting on my coffee table when I play. Puts me sbout 4’ closer to the TV and made a world of difference. It also helps with seeing enemies since you cant mark them. you probably got killed by an air strike called in by the enemy commander. An enemy squad leader probably found your garrison and called it in. Only thing you can do is spawn at a nearby garrison or outpost. The whole “not knowing where its coming from” is what makes this game amazing to me. Its hardcore and does not give you any reprieve, much like I suspect WWII was like. My first bunch of matches I was probably like 2 kills and 25 deaths. But Im learning how important situational awareness, observing the map, and using cover is. also - I suggest playing with the sensitivity settings for the controller. They are super slow by default and the deadzone is huge. I think I have my L stick sensitivty to 60%. ADS sensitivity to like 50% and my deadzone at 2%. It becomes a bit twitchy, but it felt worth it to be able to quickly scan the field. I do note that the game doesnt recenter your view either. So you need to constantly have control of the R stick. Even to the point that it feels like stick drift. However, no matter what - shooting and getting kills in this game is tough. It’s impossible to use steady aim rignt now with the way its mapped. And I feel that small corrections on the stick when trying to aim at a target are difficult. I suspect this has something to do either little or no aim assist at long range. Add to it the realistic recoil and its hard af. Trying to full auto fire a Bar or STG is crazy. I wind up shooting at the sky after 3 seconds. Lol. Burst firing is the way to go.
  5. it depends. when i get into a squad with no comms, i bounce. you absolutely need to communicate in this game. you also really need to work with your squad. this game does not work as a lone wolf. it becomes a walking simulator and youll spend 10 minutes getting up to the frontline and get killed instantly, just to have to wait 40 seconds to respawn all the way back at HQ. The squad dynamic of this game is amazing too. Every member literally needs to play a roll. The squad leader communicates with command and other squad leaders (which is not heard by the rest of the squad). so they are taking direction from the commander. they also place down garrisons or outposts (which are spawn points). they can call in supply drops, air support or radar to the commander as well The support member needs to provide supplies to the squad leader so they can build the spawn points Rifleman can provide ammo to the squad if youre holding down a point. also just an all-round infantryman role. Engineer can build nodes (munition, fuel, barricades, etc). they also have access to AP and AT mines, which is key when fortifying an objective. Medic - obv. can revive down team members and heal them Anti-tank - self-explanatory for those pesky tanks that are wreaking havoc on the team Assault - usually first in or used for scouting a head since they have both grenades and smoke Honestly, this game is what Battlefield should be like. Take the fast-paced arcadey gameplay of BF with the squad-based gameplay of HLL. Add in the BF destruction and overall polish and you have a masterpiece.
  6. Grabbed this from PS+ game of the month (thanks @skillzdadirecta @Zaku3 @Commissar SFLUFAN for point this out in the BF2042 thread). At first I was on the fence, but I think Im rightfully hooked on it now. This game is hard AF, but its so rewarding when you play it properly. The key is to play with a good squad w/ good communication, its world of difference in this game. The game was originally for PC and its evident in the wonky controller design. I really am hoping that they patch in the ability to customize controls in a future patch. The game is cross-play so if there are any D1Pers that want to squad-up, LMK!
  7. Hell Let Loose - perhaps the most frustrating and rewarding shooters Ive ever played. Im still not sure I like it, but I cant stop playing it.
  8. I havent been paying too much attention to the steak deck. When does it come out?
  9. Disco Elysium just dropped for the switch. Im so tempted to pick it up myself.
  10. @Commissar SFLUFAN @Zaku3 you were dead on with those games. I actually like Insurgency, but holy fuck is the community toxic. everything about Hell Let Loose’s presentation is awesome, but actually playing the game is a slog. If feels like a running simulator and then you get OHK from some bush camper just as you get to the action. you need to get in with a group of players to have fun in this game for sure.
  11. good to know. Im def not a fan of milsim shooters and def perfer the more casual, fast paced games like COD and BF. thats awesome Hell Let Loose is on Ps plus!
  12. I think im going to cancel my pre-order as well. Ive now played around 7-8 matches and it just feels off. Ive heard good things about Insurgency and Hell Let Loose, and both are coming to console. Perhaps ill check them out and see how BF2042 pans out.
  13. I love Battlefield. Its my favorite shooter, but Im not 100% on this one. theres obviously a massive amount of bugs, glitches and graphical issues, which Im hoping they get all squared away before launch. I really dislike the on-the-fly attachment swap mechanic. Its the most arcadey thing Ive seen in any game, and BF is the last game I would expect it in. Is there any weapon customization at all? You wouldve thought they would take a lesson from how wildly popular the CODMW19 weapon mod system is. speaking of COD - this BF feels like its really trying to be COD. The movement and gunplay feels very similar to COD. this game, just like BFV lacks the grittiness of BF1. Im not sure theyll ever re-create that, but im always going to compare every BF to that masterpiece of immersion. The map feels too big, even with 128 players. There are times when youre just running from flag to flag and theres nothing going on. The BFV map sizes were good. I think with this increased player count, they dont need to be much larger than BFV. Im not a huge conquest fan anyway, so hopefully operations will feel more focused and tighter. i dislike the default controls. I know I can re-map them, but they suck outta the box. ill still buy it and play it, but my excitement has been taken down a peg or 2.
  14. Ive been in a rut of buying a game, play for a little while, never finish or get back to it. Because of that, ive been on a gaming hiatus for the last few months… however, I jumped back into Outriders and finally finished the campaign and all the side missions. Im now in the endgame grind of expeditions, not sure I have it in me to grind out the 40K pods to actually complete the final FINAL mission - but I have to say I really enjoyed this game. Its a shame it didnt get more praise or attention, which is apparent bc its tough to find matches to jump into. I think Ill jump back into Ratchet and Clank after this bc I was absolutely having a blast with that game and then…just stopped.
  15. you’re on a 3rd run already? Is the game super short or something? I got to boss called and I thought I beat it. Even went into what looked like a death animation, and then I woke up back at the ship. I’m only like 1 1/2hrs in. Died a few times
  16. I see what you’re saying now. I hadn’t played for a bit but I jumped on. I’m level 14, world tier 6 and probably 80-90% to world tier 7. I then died 3 times in a tough side mission and it knocked the progression down to around 50-60%!
  17. Weird. I don’t think I’ve died more than 3-4 times post-demo content. could damage output also have something to do with it?
  18. I’m having a blast with this game. I’m currently level 14, world tier 6. I just got to im playing as a pyro and I am lighting everyone up. LMG/Sniper is working great. my only complains are that the class tree is huge and leveling has really slowed down. Im not sure how far I am into the game but I really don’t see how you’ll unlock even half the tree. Also - In the beginning the world tiers leveled up pretty quick but I’ve been stuck on 6 for a while and I’m still only about 1/2way to 7. playing solo hasn’t been bad, but I’m sure playing with a group would be super fun. If anyone is around my level, let me know!
  19. honestly I hate it. Hard to keep warm in the winter, hard to keep cool in the summer (esp since it’s south facing) and it sucks for surround sound. But it does look nice.
  20. My current setup. My wife and I aren’t feeling the towers anymore. They are too obtrusive. We’re thinking of getting a new media center than spans the length of the wall and putting bookshelves on top (which I already have)
  21. I played pyro solo through the whole thing and thought it was fine. There was one area where I had to drop to world tier 3 but this bc for some reason all my guns that weren’t equipped disappeared from my inventory. So I only had an AR and a shotgun. If I had snipes I would’ve been fine.
  22. So you’re saying this is maybe more of a borderlands style game? I got the impression that with crafting, banners, emotes, integrated LFP it was going to have an endgame with a grind and potential world events (like that big roaming monster). Is this not the case?
  23. I’ve said this a few times - it’s disappointing what happened with the Anthem endgame, but the campaign was a blast and I still got around 60-70hrs out of the game total. I don’t feel slighted in the least....but it would be nice if Outriders has some legs.
  24. I’ve been on a break from gaming (except a few Warzone matches with the boys) and I’m not sure where - maybe an Instagram article or ad popped up for this game’s demo. I never heard of it before..but thought the few pics looked cool. im pleasantly surprised by it. I’m actually hooked on the demo. It’s Gears meets Anthem meets Destiny with a touch of Mass Effect. All games I loved. I will definitely be picking this up.
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