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Everything posted by atom631

  1. Gears of Anthem....I mean the Outriders demo and COD: Warzone
  2. So I finally cleared it all. Hands shaking like a leaf. I’m standing at the fog wall. And to the left is a locked door I didn’t notice before. There ‘s a bloody message stating “find the key”. So I’m thinking - ok, I know there’s 2 archers upstairs that I died to stupidly bc I didn’t eat some herbs. The key must be up there. And I bet it unlocks a shortcut so I can bypass most of the bridge as I’m sure beyond the fog wall is a boss. nope. No key anywhere. Go through the fog wall and yep, it’s a boss. The tower knight who lights me the fuck up. So now I am all the way back at the beginning again. Lol. for real. Y’all a bunch of fucking masochists.
  3. But I’ve made zero progress. In fact, I’ve made backwards progress bc I’m almost out of healing herbs. So I’m guessing now i have to go back to 1-1 and farm for souls to buy herbs. It just feels like an hour or more of my time was wasted. Im gonna give it a go a few more times but I might have to put my tail between my legs and bail on this game.
  4. I’m on 1-2 and the bridge is just kicking my ass. With all the archers and the knight that charges you. The dragon at your back. I made it once past the archers and the 2nd knight. I then forgot to eat some health, got up the stairs and got hit with an arrow and died. I wanted to throw my controller through my tv. What am I doing wrong here? I absolutely love the atmosphere of this game. The gameplay is really good. I really love the story and basically non-existent dialogue or frequent cut scenes. The environment really does such a good job of telling the story (kinda reminds me of ICO/SOTC in that regard). The sound is fantastic. It truly feels like a next-gen game. but...I cannot deal with punishment factor. Having to constantly run back is just ruining it for me. I really don’t know how you guys can stick with it and not get both completely frustrated and bored. This game is all about repetition. Being someone who has never replayed a game in my life once I’ve beaten it, I think this is where the game is going to lose me.
  5. I had no idea so many Jews held prominent positions in the Confederacy. TIL. As @Commissar SFLUFAN they were textbook Kapos. there was also the Association of German National Jews - Association of German National Jews - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  6. I hate this fuck with every ounce of my being. Defiant Trump denounces violence but takes no responsibility for inciting deadly riot WWW.CNN.COM A defiant President Donald Trump insisted Tuesday his speech inciting the riot at the US Capitol was "totally appropriate" while at the same time calling for "no violence" in his first public remarks to reporters after the insurrection last week.
  7. I didn’t find the gameplay particularly amazing in cyberpunk. I would say it was adequate. I was hoping for more unique guns that did interesting things. At the end of the day, the guns came down to whatever you preferred to play with and stacking as much crit chance and crit damage on them. The quick hacking was cool but every encounter ultimately resorted to a gunfight. And i didn’t really have a huge problem with the gameplay in RDR2. It was a bit clunky but it never hindered the enjoyment of the game for me.
  8. all slippery slope arguments. there is no right or wrong answer here until that scenario actually plays out. there is enough evidence that both of us are right. in the meantime, ill keep my guns.
  9. i moved into my new house about 8 years ago. ironically we moved out what was perceived as a not so nice area to this area that was supposedly safe and friendly. since i've been here - ive had my car broken into twice, some methed out goon tried to open my backdoor at night while my wife and 2 babies were there (and i was at a work event) and i had some unhinged roided out lunatic show up any my house bc our 7yr old daughters had a disagreement on the bus. add to the fact that ive had 2 other cars and my childhood home broken into - doesnt seem so unlikely that my gun wouldnt be a useful tool. now- i dont disagree that a complete and total ban on all guns would ultimately reduce/eliminate gun violence in this country. it absolutely would over a long period of time. if it comes down to that, i would gladly surrender my guns when i know that the vast majority of the black market guns are off the streets. then i will walk them down and hand them over.
  10. i mean, whats the alternative? lay down and let them kill me or my family? i dont play rambo. i have my guns and they come out a few times a year to brush up on shooting. other than that they are out of sight. i dont mod them or go on gun message boards or pal around the gun shops and jerk off with the other ammosexuals. its not even a hobby to me. they are as important to me as my lawn mower.
  11. If all 3 of those conspired then yeah, there is nothing anyone can do. in the meantime, ill protect myself and my family from nutjobs. also - dont misconstrue my stance on 2A. Im all for better, federally regulated laws, a national registry, etc.... It needs to be revised to meet modern times. I 100% am on board with that.
  12. Ive mentioned this in the past - but I used to lean conservative and when i started paying attention, i realized i didnt have much at all in common with them from a morality and ideology standpoint. however, maybe this is an unpopular opinion around here....but one thing I still believe in is 2A. Shit like this is why I remain armed. Im more scared of my fellow countrymen than I am of the gov. These lunatics prove that. They are unhinged and easily manipulated...there is a lot of them and they are armed to the teeth. I never want to be a victim. That said... Trump needs to be dragged out of the white house and hung on the south lawn in plain sight for sedition and treason. enough of this fucking clown. im so fucking sick of his shit.
  13. I dont know about game of the year - but its absolutely the best open world game of the year. Nothing has come close the the depth and detail of this game. with the mess that is Cyberpunk - it firmly solidifies Rockstar as gods of the open world genre.
  14. Finish Miles Morales Finish Valhalla Control when the next-gen patch comes out Doom Eternal when the next-gen patch come out Finish FF7R Finish Ghosts of Tsushima Finish The Last Guardian
  15. It’s interesting we had 3 different takeaways from that ending. And they are all plausible. Either way - it looks like that location is totally being setup for DLC. And reading through some of the other endings - they could make them work story wise as well.
  16. Completed the main story today. Before I get into my ending and a question I have - I’ve got a few other questions. on certain guns and armor pieces (particularly legendary or iconic) there is a round yellow icon with an exclamation point on them. looks like a quest marker. I also noticed this on the ping quickhack. What is it supposed to signify? Is the reward for completing the game the same for everyone or is it ending based? I have no idea what it is. I went to a ripperdoc and there was a legendary cyberware that I cant use bc it requires 18 body snd im not even close. So I’m not sure if that’s it or I picked that up somewhere. I finished the game around lvl 28 /45 cred and around 48hrs. I was pretty OP at the end. High crit. And crit damage. Smart pistol with the Wild West perk. Wreck everyone without even leaving cover (I picked up a legendary smart pistol with like 480dps during the last mission somewhere) as for my ending with that - I think I still stand with my original review score of 7.5-8/10. The story and the later side quests really kept the game from being a complete bust. Once I looked past the awful ai/NPC and shit I bitched about earlier in this thread - I really did wind up enjoying it. It’s definitely no Witcher 3 and overall didn’t really meet my expectations but it was fun romp. I look forward to the DLC and next- gen patch.
  17. What’s with the field of greenhouses at the southern end of the map? There is a quest marker and a food vendor right in the middle - but I’m stopped by an invisible wall. I’m assuming this is maybe the end game area? either way in a 5 minute romp through there I found 2 pieces of pretty powerful legendary gear.
  18. I wound up doing this whole chain tonight. This was by far my favorite side quest. It really fleshed out Johnny as more real and not just some cliche rocker edgelord. I also really loved the back and forth control between V and Johnny and it really makes me wish that was more of a theme throughout the whole story. Who knows...maybe the DLC will explore more of Johnny’s past.
  19. The mission “chippin in” popped up for me last night just as i was going to start the end game (peaked at a guide to see how far I was in and the next main mission is the point of no return). And as I understand it- you get Johnny’s gun, jacket and porche if you play it right. So I think I’ll definitely take a stab at it. Then finish the main story.
  20. I got it for my son for Xmas. I plan on giving it a try pretty soon, probably after I wrap up cyberpunk.
  21. Huh. Could’ve sworn she had a shirt on the entire time.
  22. this makes me sad. I wanted to sex up Judy. This is discrimination against cis white men! Why isn’t polygon all over this?.
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