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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. Doesn't that bump into Full Faith and Credit? Though I suppose that's up to this Supreme Court to interpret, can't wait to read what Alito and Thomas think about that...
  2. So did all of these people just sort of lie in wait for this shit? I thought we were passed trying to make buttsex illegal again. We just had a couple mass shootings within the span of a week, but we really need law enforcement to have the power to tell you which hole a penis goes in. Not this court, as long as they keep the right leaning pattern they'll maintain 25-30%. Trump had an approval rating floor of around 30%, I feel like Bush level of approval ratings are a thing of the past, a chunk of the country has picked their team.
  3. His whiny old man description over the video is really something
  4. I've already gotten emails from Sherrod Brown's campaign along with the lady running against DeWine for governor. I'm sure in the next hour I'll get a flood of money requests from the DCCC and every left of center PAC because of the fact that every couple years I give a couple bucks to anyone running against Steve Chabot. The Democrats seem incapable of literally doing anything other than raising money on the fact that the Republicans are awful.
  5. Someone came in and shot some people at a bank headquarters in downtown Cincinnati, so the last office I worked in had this cop detailed in the lobby every day wearing like the full vest and tactical pants and shit. They also for whatever reason kept the 80 year old Korean War vet security guard on duty too.
  6. The Democrats have a lot of commercials that write themselves, they just don't do it. "Claims from long dormant relationships..." None of my long dormant relationships have any domestic violence claims, such a weird thing to hold it up with
  7. Is it different discord channels or is it the same one that keeps getting hacked? Is there a Bored Ape admin who gets their password phished and fixes it by making it "Notmypassword3" instead of "Notmypassword2"?
  8. It'll just be the same thing. Raising the age to 21 will literally do nothing.
  9. One of my friends who tested positive called the county health dept to report it and they said he was the first one to self report from a home test in 6 weeks.
  10. I went to my first party since COVID started 2 weeks ago. 2 couples at that party tested positive with COVID two days later. Last Friday I had dinner with a friend, two days later him and his wife tested positive. I used up my 2 freebie government tests this past two weeks, no COVID.
  11. I remember reading that in Death of Stalin they gave Jason Isaac's Zhukov less medals because the amount that hung off the front of the real Zhukov looked ridiculous. I'm starting to think that's also true about the gun nut gun closet scenes in some movies, several of those look like parodies, but we know they aren't.
  12. I don't possibly see how they could have failed more than they did. If they ever make SWAT 5 is it going to be a series of missions where you use an MRAP to tear down the trailer wall of an emaciated crackhead who can barely stand and one where you spend an hour outside a locked door during an active shooter event?
  13. The Democrats don't seem to give a shit about passing anything meaningful. Yeah they could propose bills every damned day, they could force cloture votes on every partisan piece of legislation the Republicans support to try and force them to the table. Or I guess I could just get another 5 emails asking if I've seen what Kevin McCarthy is up to and how they need to replenish their fast response fund. Then the Republicans get to move on and go back to talking about how Biden raising gas prices right around the time these parents are burying their kids and we start the clock counting down to the next time this happens.
  14. I always find it depressing when powerful politicians ask when someone will do something about something. It's like hey, that's you, you can do something, I can't, I can just vote for you. It's like those shitty fundraising emails where Democrats are whining about losing their majority, it would be nice if they did something with it.
  15. This just made me think of the "ten word answer" bit in The West Wing. I feel like the Republicans are in it to win and the Democrats are stuck trying to make a long dead and increasingly irrelevant TV show real. It was a well done show, but the America in that show was on an alien planet.
  16. I think if Trump had come out swinging regarding the pandemic from the start then the chuds would have fallen in line. But he downplayed it, blamed liberal media, the whole thing and the downstream Republicans took that and ran with it. He had another moment to pivot to taking it seriously when he got sick, he was clearly scared, but after he didn't drop dead he used that to say it's no big deal once again. No putting that toothpaste back in the tube
  17. He'd have gone on tour for 2 years talking about how he got the vaccine and cured the country and you'd get millions of hicks yelling about how he needs to be President for life after that.
  18. Fortune favors the brave. edit: Also I feel like crypto bros have been harping about the immutability of the blockchain, shouldn't reversing any trade be impossible?
  19. Anyone who had a coiner tell them "have fun staying poor" has probably been in heaven from the schadenfreude
  20. I wonder what the percentage of wash selling made up all the NFT transactions.
  21. I think an easy illustration is when you think back to your favorite teachers it wasn't the ones who read from the textbook and assigned the end of unit quiz. It was the ones where you felt a connection and that usually comes when they leave a piece of themselves out there for everyone to also know and experience. I had a long term sub science teacher once in like the 7th grade I think who was wearing a necklace with a medallion, I said that looked like a Buddha or something, she said it was and that she was Buddhist, the class got interested and she discussed that for that period, it didn't have anything to do with science, but wasn't bad. This weird notion now that class needs to be sanitized of anything personal related to the teachers doesn't reflect the reality that anyone complaining about it grew up in. It's just teachers couldn't discuss a non-heteronormative lifestyle back then and there are people now who really wish it was still like that because that makes them uncomfortable.
  22. After the leaked Roe opinion, Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court can't be 'bullied' WWW.NPR.ORG Chief Justice John Roberts, speaking at the same judicial conference as Thomas, called the leak of a draft opinion striking down Roe v. Wade earlier this week "absolutely appalling." I guess he's right, the Supreme Court can't be bullied, they're the one branch of government who isn't really accountable to anyone. They can lie in their confirmation and it's fine.
  23. The Republican primary got a lot more press and was a little more contentious. The Democratic nomination was going to be Tim Ryan and that's that. The Republican was the fairweather MAGA grifter vs the right wing loon.
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