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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. I don't think they're so distinct. Their current debt is a symptom of the problem of the cost of higher education and I guess I have a problem separating the underlying cause from the current ongoing symptom. In 5 or 6 years when the student debt racks up again for a whole new generation we'll be right back here without some reform packaged with it. Also I don't want to seem like I'm jealous or whatever of people getting their loans forgiven. My finances are fine and my only large-ish debt is a Mazda 3 I bought right before the pandemic meant I don't need to use it as much. I'll never have a problem with the taxes I pay going towards helping people.
  2. The point is the cost of higher education has blown up and the debt accrued hangs around these people's neck's for years. I get that you're going to disappoint some people in that there are people who payed off student loans who won't be able to take advantage of the forgiveness, and that's fine, that's unavoidable. But it's not free money, it's being paid off by the people who will start going to college after who are going to get saddled with huge debt themselves with no real plan for them as they're facing what is probably the continued rise in cost of higher education. I'm fine with student debt forgiveness, but I feel like it needs to be packaged with reform. Free community college, maybe significant help paying off 4 year year degree from a state school.
  3. My question is still what happens next? Forgiving student debt without a plan for the people who accrue that debt in the future isn't the best plan. Forgiving student debt as a one off is a real bummer if you're in high school right now.
  4. There are a bunch of people who would refer to dictionaries to justify bigotry and then dictionaries revised definitions and really fucked with them. A couple weeks ago there was someone in an Ars article comments complaining that people were using "homophobia" wrong and people referred him to the dictionary. I guess some people are taking it a little hard.
  5. Why even do confirmations? If all it takes is the ability to play golf twice a day and do some day drinking then literally anybody can do the job. Let Feinstein go ahead and chair the Judiciary Committee, sure she may forget who she's talking to while she's talking to them but she remembered to get dressed before she came in to work so that's all we need.
  6. I thought I'd read that body hair was a pretty good indicator of testosterone levels before. I'll admit I never cared enough to really look into it, I go to the doctor for my annual checkup and if he doesn't care I don't care.
  7. My problem isn't even with cognition, it's just not really understanding how the world is now from any meaningful place. Like the Internet, it wasn't around 40 years ago, it barely existed 30 years ago in a meaningful way. In 40 years when we're their age there will be things we don't understand. When you get old enough there are concepts that will be pretty foreign and these people are expected to understand them enough to draft laws around them.
  8. I always found it weird there was this group of guys obsessed with their testosterone levels. There was a guy I shared a cubicle with at an old job who was all into that shit, he'd ask me if I ever got tested. I said no, but considering the amount of hair on my back and the fact that my head hair is thinning I think I'm good on testosterone. I've known other guys that go to camps where they drink beer, shoot guns, and do manly shit. I guess Fox figures this demographic is underserved.
  9. When it comes to people who make laws and big decisions involving a few hundred million people then I'm fine with it. Diane Feinstein was in her 40s in the 1970s. During Trump's court appointments she was the ranking member and the Republican chairman was also closer to 90 than 80. Maybe come up with an elder legislators program where they can advise on procedures and customs or something and not making laws for a world that is very different from the one they lived in before they entered the bubble of politics. They're not too old for the world, they can still do things, hang with the family, take up painting, write books, whatever, they're just too old to write laws and make big decisions for everyone else.
  10. I'm not even sure if that really matters. There are plenty of churches that rally their congregation around the immoral side of conservatism and gives them plenty of peers to reinforce shitty beliefs. At least with DIY religion you might get called a weird asshole without a crowd to shrink into.
  11. I think limits are fine. Even if your mental acuity doesn't fade by 70 years old, especially in the higher levels of politics, you just aren't part of the current world anymore. Technology and culture develops that didn't exist when they were even middle aged. T
  12. I have a friend who is religious who during COVID took a hell of a long time to find a church that wasn't shit, so many he talked to didn't care one bit about COVID restrictions, then many others still would roll pretty hard on Republican political shit.
  13. Make a documentary about the fall of masculinity and feature testicle tanning. Yes, your grandfather fought the Japanese, ate gravel for lunch, and is still rebuilding old carburetors at age 85, the best way for your effeminate ass to even hope to catch up is to shine a light on your balls.
  14. What is that thing? Is it a tanning bed specifically for a dick... outdoors.... on a rock? Like it has real Kelvin Gemstone energy, without it being from a comedy show:
  15. Mine is a party line voting Republican who has had his seat since 1995, he briefly lost for one term, but came back when Ohio fixed the district to never allow a Democrat to win again. The Democrat vote in Cincinnati is split between two districts that snake into rural Ohio.
  16. The last thing I saw posted about my Congressman on a local subreddit was about his pungent "old man smell"
  17. If they cut the catalytic converters off the bottoms of the cars they find they can get some okay money at the scrapyard too not to mention the goldmine of copper that is a rooftop a/c unit or transformer. The people in my part of Ohio that seemed to be part of the opioid pandemic had ways of generating income without a job that the Russian military could adopt.
  18. I feel like it's more likely that Cawthorn became aware of some swingers in Congress getting together and the fact that his lame goober ass doesn't get invited to those sorts of parties. edit: He's like the teenager who doesn't get invited to the party and calls the cops to report underage drinking.
  19. The incels aren't necessarily virgins, they just haven't been getting what they want in a while and I guess develop a fucked up identity around that fact.
  20. I feel like Tencent developing a System Shock game is a little outside their wheelhouse. I know they own a piece of about every gaming company on the planet. But their wholly owned and produced stuff has just been the heavily monetized online shit. I don't recall any narrative heavy single player experiences produced by them.
  21. Fiona Apple looks like she’s had some problems the last few decades and tried to self medicate.
  22. Papa Johns is there to provide that contrast so they appreciate the good pizza. It would be more depressing that Papa Johns was the only chain place still standing.
  23. Yeah I went to NYC a few months back, had to show the COVID card everywhere. Flying out of Cincinnati? The gate agent told everyone he wasn't enforcing the mask rules in the waiting area around the gate but that they would be enforced on the plane.
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