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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. Yes well when us coastal elites have to flee inland we will bring our money with us so in a few generations you’ll be set.
  2. I won’t say there’s no positive to gun ownership and in certain circumstances I can see even a need for them and as an abstract notion I agree with it. But, Americans on average are not people like me with significant training, experience with them and so on. They frankly can not be trusted. Hell, I go so far as to remove firing pins from mine when they’re not in use.
  3. I think Lewis will be just based on his record, the man has proven he’s one of if not the best driver of all time and that will carry him even if he falls off a cliff.
  4. I try and not let people like him impact me so I edited it after I realized my mistake. This airmen’s choice is an indictment on us, we failed him, he needed help and we missed it. I’m only alive because a gun misfired, I can never ridicule someone hurting so bad they took that decision because I was nearly in the statistic of service member who took their own life.
  5. I frankly have nothing in common with the religious and we will never be on the same side. Even when they’re liberal they’re still held back by the oral traditions of ancient goat herders who we have to pretend have something relevant to say to modern humans. I will always be violently opposed to them and I will never compromise my views on that; all religions not just Christian’s. The gods I have inked on me are no more real than the god who told a man to murder his own son or the one who said a seven year old can be fucked.
  6. My cat is the reason I started therapy. I came home from work last year around April, went to the gym because that’s what I do, then came home. At the time in hindsight I was full blown survival mode, I was barely hanging on, my drinking was getting out of control, if I wasn’t working or in the gym I was drinking. There comes a point when trauma refuses to be ignored and it manifests in the strangest ways sometimes. But anyway, I came home and he was waiting for me at the garage door, he looked up at me and meowed his specific meow for me, cat owners know, and I picked him up and just started sobbing holding him. At that point I knew I wasn’t ok, there was something very wrong with me and I needed help. Ghost, my best boys name, let me cry into him and he doesn’t like to be held long, I’m not saying he saved my life as I wasn’t suicidal but my substance use was bad so in a way he did. I’ve loved dogs, but my best boy will always be a cat.
  7. Biden is not the guy who butt fucked Paul Ryan on national TV. Which I think a lot of people still hold him to that standard personally. But the man still sounds presidential. His stutter is getting worse as he ages sure, but his points are cognizant and easy to follow.
  8. That’s actually better because the car needs work but has a lot of potential. When Ferrari worked it pushed Red Bull, so they’ve another year to work through the issues and became a viable contender.
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