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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. That’s just me being consistent with my politics. Not because god needs the correct gps coordinates to start ww3
  2. I was saved by the redeeming power of the Jesus and have repented my heathen ways, see I own an ar-15. I’m one of you.
  3. Cis gendered straight white males will never see this threat the way minorities do, it’s to be expected. Even I’ve said I can just take my Biden shirt off, I can hide amongst the chuds, as the rest of the people who look like me can.
  4. It’s more the vibe not my looks I assure you my friend 😂
  5. A fiancé and now a side chick gf is gone
  6. They are everywhere here. let’s say we had a great last night in Barcelona 😂
  7. It’s my aesthetic because my face aesthetic is gross af
  8. No gym until I get to Madrid, blsh.
  9. I think there’s a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence personally.
  10. It’s an equivalent concept as alcohol to me. Most people can consume it with no issues, some can’t. Porn addiction is a thing and can absolutely impact real world relationships, especially in developing minds etc. Also no clue incels rage on this. Seems kinda counterproductive to me personally, but who cares what those losers have to say on this topic.
  11. I’m in favor of heavier regulation especially due to the very real societal harm involved not it’s destruction.
  12. This is complicated one for me, yes free speech but porn consumption is obviously a societal negative and exploitation is very prevalent on these sites too.
  13. I wish I had came here solo, so many tinder matches 😂
  14. The tone was very much anti therapy in nature, not your post but the one you’re calling me out for criticizing.
  15. At a bar in Barcelona next to guys speaking Russian who look military for sure I may or may not have said Slava Ukraini If you don’t hear from me in a few days you know why, glad I’m wearing a muscle shirt where my military ink was visible
  16. I’m having way too much tapas waiting to check in.
  17. I never sleep on flights, now it’s 630 in Barcelona but I’ve been up for a day and I’m dying
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