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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Kinda sad, but I lost interest in this series partway through Mockingjay.
  2. I'll be wrapping up Metro Last Light today. I could have done it last night, but I started feeling nauseated.
  3. About to play Metro Last Light for a little while at least. Dunno if I'll mess with anything else tonight.
  4. Finished Missoula the other night, now my current nonfiction is Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission by Hampton Sides.
  5. I guess I just take it for granted, because I live right by a lock and dam and I grew up around the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers and I've known tons of people who work on the barges. Did you guys not realize shipped is still done via the Great Lakes, too?
  6. It seriously is. I don't know what I was thinking before when I said y'all were crazy for thinking it, but one say it just struck me and I'm like "how did I not see this before?" I admit when I'm wrong.
  7. I was about to give you the guillotine because once again you're a sourpuss who criticizes almost everything and can't imagine why people like things you complain about. But then you mentioned FF VI and that sorta evened it out.
  8. The game definitely felt repetitive, I don't know what you guys are smoking. Pretty much all open world games are repetitive to a degree. I still enjoyed it a lot, though.
  9. It was a fun, mindless popcorn flick. Sometimes those are fine.
  10. How have you not seen the others? And if you haven't seen the others, why the sudden interest in this one? Just see the others.
  11. Eh, can't confirm it, but a lot of people think so. I didn't at first, but the more he talks, the more I think he is. And with the way apoc left here, he'd never admit it if it were him. He just pretends those types of posts don't exist when people mention it.
  12. Yep. And it's not even like the long dev times and delays always result in the games being awesome. Like, when Nintendo delays a game, I'm somewhat disappointed, but ultimately I know it's for the best and I'll get an excellent product. Square on the other hand...I hated XIII, XV appears to be overly complicated and mediocre, and what I've played of KH3 so far isn't bad, but after waiting so long, it feels kinda anticlimactic. I still have hope for FF VII, because I'm more comfortable with the combat changes, but this whole idea of splitting it up and it taking a decade to be finished is kind of a bummer.
  13. S2 wasn't as good, but I still really enjoyed it. I love Jon Bernthal.
  14. Eh, I feel like they'll finish it one of these days, but Square is awful at finishing big games in a timely manner. This game is taking 5 years from the time it was first shown and it's not even a complete game. Look at numerous other examples. Kingdom Hearts 3, FF XIII, FF vs XIII, which later turned into XV.
  15. I think Square is stupid for doing it like this, but you guys are wasting your time arguing with Bacon.
  16. Yeah, it's the only way I play this series. I doubt I'd enjoy it SP.
  17. Of course I'm a fan of the series, otherwise I wouldn't be playing this DLC. I don't care about the writing so much, I just want to play the game. And we played through the TellTale game, if that's what you're referring to.
  18. Beat Shining Force, so we're gonna start on the Borderlands 2 DLC that just released. I'll also likely play Metro Last Light at some point.
  19. Finished Shining Force: Final Conflict. I'd give it a 6.5/10. This one was unforgiving, had some bad AI, and certain classes seem mostly useless for much of the game. It just wasn't balanced like the others. Glad that one is done.
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