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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I wasn't entirely sure, but your point was still being made. There's nothing wrong with autistic people so it really shouldn't be taken as an insult. This isn't like the internet insult of "you're gay, man!"
  2. Game Pass doesn't fit my play style, so I have no interest in it, but I'm sure I'll end up getting a few of their games since they're now on PC.
  3. Maybe because too many people conflate autism with mental retardation and that's a problem. Those of us who are a little more educated know they're unrelated and therefore it shouldn't come across that way. I didn't diagnose anyone and it's not because of a posting style. JFC. Some of you guys are ridiculous. I guess we should just give back the swastika to the original people who created it, too. Yes, you're being pedantic.
  4. no one fucking classifies an incel as that. That isn't what the modern movement is about and everyone here knows it. You're just being pedantic.
  5. Your rules, so whatever Definitely not meant to be insulting, though. People are just being ridiculous.
  6. You're being overly pedantic. That's what you always do. I'm a fucking medical professional, I'm not judging you if you're autistic. It just would help explain some things. There's nothing to be ashamed of if you are autistic.
  7. I'm not insulting. Just your character, how you speak, your opinions. I've dealt with a lot of autistic people in my field and you fit a lot of the characteristics, based on what I see here. Jesus christ, people.
  8. Because when the word was created, it was created by women haters for women haters. Good lord.
  9. Ah, I did misread your initial statement. Forgive me on that one. I didn't catch the second "not." But, yes, hating women is a big part of the incel community. I've never seen a self-proclaimed incel who wasn't an angry misogynist. That's kinda their whole point.
  10. You just defined incel as someone is isn't having sex by choice. The literal opposite of an incel. You really shouldn't be arguing this when you don't understand the definition. That's kinda what the whole group is about.
  11. Christ almighty! You realize it stands for "involuntary celibate"? As in "women won't give me sex I'm entitled to, so I hate them and all the guys that can get sex" Both of you have completely reversed the literal definition of "incel"
  12. Most guys on this board are fairly productive and successful in their real lives. Many have wives/gfs/families. And like others have said, it's not their inability to get a woman, it's how they react to it.
  13. Same. We saw Part One of Mockingjay, but never bothered to finish it. So my movie experience mirrored my book experience!
  14. I thought they started out pretty strong but then they lost steam. At least for me. Though it seemed like a number of people felt this was the case.
  15. I'm skeptical there will be any significant difference, but my plans are already set. Ignore Xbox, as usual, and get a PS5 when there are games to justify my purchase. Same as it's always been!
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