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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Yep. Said power light came on for a sec, then nothing. He's had bad luck. His first Steam Deck died after a couple months.
  2. Yeah, other than Harry Potter and the thee GoT books, I haven't read much fantasy. I read Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros and I'm about to read the sequel. Also have The Priory of the Orange Tree my Samantha Shannon on my shelf.
  3. I wasn't even aware it was a thing. And I canceled my Apple sub in Sept. I'll have to check this out.
  4. There was a lot I liked in season 6, I'll grant that. The Door and Battle of the Bastards were great episodes. Seasons 7 and 8 were a mess. Some really great character moments for sure, but the pacing and storytelling were a mess.
  5. Game of Thrones got pretty bad after they ran out of books to adapt. Best example of a show that was so good for so long, then turned to poop.
  6. Well damn, I’ve actually been interested in some fantasy and I always thought he was one of the biggest and best.
  7. It’s not getting finished. I gave up after book 3. Of it ever does get finished, I’ll go back to it. Until then, I have no shortage of great stuff to read.
  8. I pretty much only ever go into one when I'm visiting family because they live in rural areas and even then, I try to go elsewhere when possible. They're not as junky as some of the stores that were shown in the video, but they aren't great.
  9. Husband ordered it the other day. He got his tracking today and it shows it being delivered Wednesday. Problem is, he's leaving for his parents' Wednesday and UPS is notorious for delivering late in the day, especially when it's something we're excited about.
  10. Oh, definitely. The story really resonated with me and stuck with me for a long time after I’d finished. I loved the gothic horror atmosphere.
  11. Finished. Really enjoyed this one, but it's not my favorite. Great performances, I love the messaging in Flanagan's works. Can't wait to see what he does with Amazon. My rankings are Bly Manor, then just below are Hill House and Midnight Mass, followed by House of Usher, then Midnight Club.
  12. Well, I finished The Exchange at work last night. My least favorite from Grisham in a while. This just didn't really feel like an actual sequel, it felt tedious, and ultimately an unfulfilling ending. But I did start a reread of The Firm before bed this morning and even though I've read it probably a dozen times over the years, that first chapter still grips me.
  13. I can't imagine other internet communities being this generous. Stepee is amazing, as are others here.
  14. I'm about halfway through and it's just okay. Honestly, it doesn't really feel like a sequel to The Firm. It does a recap of the prior events in the first 10%, then switches over to something else entirely. Could have been done with any random character. Makes me wanna go back and reread The Firm, though.
  15. For him? No, he got propofol. Surgeon gave him the choice, so he wanted to be out. Said about half of men opt for anesthesia. I was kinda surprised. I know my dad got it when he had it done, but this was back in the mid-90s.
  16. Everyone is different. Just shows how differently men are treated. I tried getting an IUD years ago and that was horrific pain, not even a local.
  17. I'm really liking this year's Celtics. They made good trades in the offseason.
  18. Yeah, I played the DX version of the first game and that’s what’s on my Everdrive.
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