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Everything posted by ARZ

  1. Isn't it supposed to make your balls shrivel...or make you sterile or something. The dye they use I think.
  2. Halo is fun Story is ok Halo 4's problem is they made a big fancy story to show gamers "343 runs the show now, not Bungie"...but they tried too hard and lost many of those Halo fans they were trying to impress. Halo 5...meh I am hopeful for what's next though.
  3. This is going to be the best looking game on either system. Damn! I may never leave the strip club....at least until I hear the wife coming down the stairs - LOL!
  4. Pretty sure you'll have 3 AI heroes with you if you have no friends...just sayin'
  5. I only heard that SONY had early access to the Beta, didn't hear about anything else.
  6. Yeah, when you scroll down and see Gold, Gamepass, Store, etc. I have it in my pins folder, that shits' easy. I can't find a way to add Twitch to the root dashboard.
  7. A game, no problem. Please, by all mean, take a screen cap of your Twitch pinned directly to the dashboard.
  8. Crucible and gambit are the only PVP in Destiny that I'm aware of, though there are sub-types within them. Gambit is ok because there is still quite a bit of PvE, but I don't do much PvP either. At 1010 you are in for a slow grind. Keep doing missions and bounties, try to get Pinacle gear and you'll make small jumps, as you get gear pieces that will be about +1 to +5 more than your current pieces. Clan, i'm in a pretty active one - play on all the platforms. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=742933 Games like Destiny 2...hrm. Others mentioned Warframe, but I tried twice and just couldn't get into it. Borderlands 3 would probably be a good one, especially if you love loot. For more gameplay type stuff, minus the loot, I've always been a Halo fan, but never really played the PvP. Co-op campaign for life! Titanfall 2 has a fun campaign and it's probably 5-10 bucks.
  9. I actually enjoyed the Master Chief portion of the Halo 5 campaign. Couldn't tell you jack squat what happened the other half, was just a giant loading screen to me between Master Chief segments, lol.
  10. Destiny? I didn't get that outside of the emotes. Got much more of an Anthem vibe the way they went from ground to flight to combat. That is a great thing if they nailed the loot, because the Anthem gameplay was fantabulous!
  11. Cancelled my pre-order of the basic version - pre-ordered the Deluxe Super Edition!!!!
  12. You dumbasses don't know what you're talking about. Yes, you can pin it to a folder, like the "Pins" folder....but you CAN NOT pin it to the main dashboard like "Xbox Gold", "Xbox GamePass" or "Store". Mixer is already pinned there, but that doesn't do fuck-all on July 22nd. I want to remove that and put Twitch in it's place.
  13. They haven't said yet, but the "Avengers War Table" is tomorrow at 1pm EST Pretty sure we'll hear something then...HOPING they drop it then
  14. I tried to "pin to home" today but it's not possible. I'd love to be able to do that to apps, not just games.
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