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Everything posted by Anzo

  1. No, we had already gone our separate ways by that point. After the sleeper quest he was hellbent on finding an LFG to finish Spire. ? Did that ever happen @NeoJoe? I need to get Javelin multi kills first so I figured level 1 EP is the best place to get those.
  2. The shaders aren’t half bad either! I also finished the sleeper quest line (again with Joe and Thom’s help) and ended the night finishing the Polaris Lance quest. Now just to get the catalyst.
  3. Joe, Thom and I plus randos rocked the T7 EP last night. Unfortunatley I wasn’t aware you had to have one of those blue keys active in your inventory to get anything good lol. Oh well at least I got the bounty checked off.
  4. Not sure who asked it but this is most definitely not DLC or an add on for Doom 2016.
  5. I can see now how it would appear that I had. I have not ? I just meant that the trophy now is just to beat Prestige Lev.
  6. Trophy question. Didn’t the “beat Leviathan raid on prestige difficulty” trophy used to include the prestige nightfall as an alternative?
  7. I don’t often replay games in their entirety. I revisit SOTN very few years but can’t think of many others. Some old Final Fantasies I imagine. Ive STARTED replaying a ton of games. My desire to persist quickly wanes however when the new “shiny thing” comes along. I have <half-way replays on countless games.
  8. In the upside, I now know this movie is coming to Netflix so I won’t buy it!
  9. They are little plate looking things all around Mars that you shoot. Some need a certain elemental damage type to break.
  10. The original is one of my Top 5 games. Will definitely be downloading this.
  11. Cool thanks. If that is the response then man that is quite deluded.
  12. Got a link for his response? He's been quiet on twitter today.
  13. I spent the remainder of gold I had from two months ago on packs, did pretty well with 3 legendaries in 32 packs plus the freebie. Had a bunch of dust so I crafted a golden Whizbang the Wonderful. Now I have all golden heroes and all golden decks that are semi-competitive and ever changing for the next 2 years. Perfect to pick up and play a game every now and again, which is what I’ll be doing with Hearthstone from now on.
  14. Bungie knew I would likely never have time to do Leviathan again. However, like Pepito, that 1/2 Raid Lair Bounty is starting to eat at me...
  15. Thanks Joe. I was sad that we had filled up before you were able to log on. Would have been icing on the cake to have you in the group.
  16. RNG was very good to me on my first raid last night. Midnight Coup Masterwork Inaugural Address Masterwork Zenith of your Kind Masterwork Mask of the Fulminator Masterwork Robes of the Fulminator Masterwork Boots of Sekris Completed Normal Calus AND Eater of Worlds with the group last night as well as 3 of the underbelly areas. I had no idea what I was doing in the underbelly and Eater half the time but we breezed through them all things considered! The only sore spot for the night was a spectacular fail attempt at Whisper. I'll need to go through the jump part again solo before I attempt again. The shortcuts are NOT kind to poor Warlocks. I went from 350 to 360 LL overall before mods. Thanks @mo1518 @pepitojones @Bruizza @Mode101 and Learath for a successful night!
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