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Everything posted by Anzo

  1. Bungie is taking the “Syndrome” approach to exotics this time around. If every gun is OP, then no one will be!
  2. Perfect example was the worm god strike last night. We were STRUGGLING against the boss. Would get close a few times but the adds would get to be too much with Mr. 27 on the team. Add to that that nobody but me would try for the javelin. Probably wiped 7 or 8 times because I’d be on the opposite side of the Valkyrie and the other two would ignore it. Finally on a run we get him down to a sliver of health. Everything is on ?, adds everywhere. Valkyrie spawns, I run to grab it. I do and two knights are breathing down my neck. Two javelin hits will end him. I throw one. miss. throw a second, hit!I heave the third and final throw just as I am killed. Now, Imagine a quarterback heaving a Hail Mary at the last second as he’d getting sacked by two defenders. Well that was me as I heaved the last javelin towards the worm god just as two knights slammed their swords into my skull. That’s was it, I would rage quit if we wiped another time. As I was about to give into despair and rage, Just then I see the beast go still and the adds dissipate. It had hit! We emerge victorious. My teammates revive me, I throw out the fireworks emote until it is cliche, loot and tokens rain upon us. We had done it! That will be the story I tell when my kids ask, “Daddy where did you get that 337 blue sniper?”
  3. I can’t compare it to before but I played about 10 matches between Pc and PS4 yesterday and felt it was pretty even. Sure we’d lose a few by a semi large margin but it never felt unfair. Im glad it is back to 6v6 but the maps are not very well designed for that though. Too many corridors imo.
  4. So Heroic Strikes with randos was an interesting experience. I did 4 in about 2 hours. I felt kind of bad because they recommend 350 and I was 347/348. Well that was unnecessary because there were guys who were lvl 25-27 etc running it. I never checked their PL but no way it could be even close to 350. Inevitably we'd struggle against the boss each time because only 2 were doing any damage. Thankfully we cleared them all though. On a related note...what is up with "strikes" just being modified story missions?
  5. You had an extra digital copy of the PS4 version? Why I oughta! No worries though I got it on sale for $30 with expansions so it would have cost the same in the end.
  6. Haha I started a fresh game too last night. My experience was similar to both of yours.
  7. They completely redid the intro with this update to make it easier to understand systems and also give you tools you didn’t used to get until much later in the game. There is also some semblance of a story now. This is a perfect time to restart.
  8. My son plays this and is super excited for it. Too bad he’s at scout camp all this week. Maybe I’ll check it out for him. ?
  9. That has been an open secret for a while now. My sales rep mentioned this to me when I bought my car over a year ago.
  10. @NeoJoe and Thom showed me the ways of the D2 Nightfall for my first completion. And a thanks to Bru for the info on how to get Valkyrie kills and where to find those blasted armory codes. I also got got a very small taste of the raid last night. I jumped into the opening part to farm orange bars for the Nascent Dawn quest. So much gold! Trump would be proud of Calus’ decorating tastes. ?
  11. I’ll be on about 8 Pm my time. Anybody able to help me out with a nightfall tonight? I’d say let’s raid but that’s probably too late on the first day of the work week.
  12. Not to add salt to @bladimir2k‘s old wound but I think I moved on from that ship less than two weeks later. But they were the best two weeks of Destiny ever!
  13. Some good tips here to skip a lot of the jumping stuff and take down the bosses more easily. RIP me with only a Warlock.
  14. I actually watched the video after posting that. @eggydoodescribed it perfectly. The two least favorite challenges combined into one. ? Looks like you should probably be maxed out power level as well.
  15. Warmind complete. Of all the small expansions, that was probably the best. 342 and time to clean up some quest lines.
  16. Having been on both sides now, it just moved to another game as my “addiction game”. In my case it was Hearthstone. Sure there was a little more time for the backlog but that game became the one nagging for my attention. I quit that 2 months ago and look where I am now! ? Being back has been nice so far because I’ve mostly been playing solo and progressing at a steady pace. We will see how this holds up once I hit the 340 wall and can only progress through the weekly stuff. Playing solo I can play in the mornings before the kids get up or as late as I want after they are in bed. No need to coordinate schedules to raid or piss my wife off by playing for the entire night, as much as I’d like to do Leviathan at least once before Forsaken. Most of my nights are chalk full nowadays vs the D1 days however.
  17. Going through the campaign on PC has been interesting. Ghost is especially stupid since I don’t have previous characters. He asks questions like “What’s a warmind?” And “Who are the Taken?” as I encounter them for the first time.
  18. I think it looks cool but man are the reviews savage. Among the critiques is the complaint that it feels cheap. So not even worth it for $10!
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