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Everything posted by Anzo

  1. Benefit of not starting Gambit until this week. All of the hardcore have moved on and mediocre players like me are left in the low ranks! I would have been done with the Gambit invader kills after only 3 matches but had 2 kills stolen from me. ?
  2. Yeah the original focuses on a Gallian squad defending Gallia (fictional country) during the 2nd Europan War. This one one focuses on a Gallian squad intermixed with the rest of the good guy forces during the same war. In other words, same war, different front.
  3. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/248458684 ”Rapid Response to Known Issues - 09/10/2018 From the Destiny 2 Development Team: Over the weekend, as we monitored your progress in Destiny 2: Forsaken (and grinded ourselves), some new issues came to light that require immediate attention. In some instances, fixes to the game will require code changes, but there are some immediate server-side actions we can take to safeguard the player experience. Our bar for rapid responses like these is to address issues that impact the economy that makes Destiny 2 a game that is engaging over a longer timeline. As we take action, we will not be issuing any bans or restrictions to players who may have benefitted from the following… Status Updates: Raid Chests: Players have found their way into Raid spaces and claimed gear from bonus chests. Those chests are being suppressed until we can properly isolate them to Raid activities. None of the rewards they have granted will be rescinded. Prime Engrams: An exploit was discovered this weekend where players could earn Prime Engrams at a rapid pace using the Prime Attunement buff. At this time, Prime Engrams are designed to grant small power gains over time. Acquiring large amounts of Prime Engrams in a short timeframe reduces the frequency in which you earn Prime Engrams as you continue to play the game. Some players who have used this exploit heavily may find that Prime Engrams will not appear for the next two to three weeks. As such, this will provide a very small short-term gain for those using this exploit, but have negative long-term effects for a player’s power progression. We are investigating a fix for this exploit. In the meantime, we highly recommend that players do not use this exploit. Players who are earning Prime Engrams while playing through the game naturally will not be impacted by this issue in any form. Weekly Challenge Reset: Weekly Gambit, Crucible, and Heroic Story Challenges were impacted over the weekend by an unforeseen Milestone reset. Players who completed Challenges after the faulty reset on Saturday were not given powerful rewards, and will not receive a proper challenge reset on Tuesday for these activities. We are investigating the cause of this issue, and will deploy a fix at our first opportunity. Additional information may be found in our #Help Known Issues thread. Gambit Suspension Issues: We are currently investigating an issue where players are being suspended in error from Gambit due to disconnections. Until resolved, players may encounter 15 minute suspensions when disconnecting from Gambit matches. We are currently investigating server side changes to matchmaking for this activity to mitigate the issue. Additional information will be provided when available.”
  4. https://twitter.com/DeeJ_BNG/status/1039195455542853636 Stuff’s about to go down today. I have only had time for one Gambit match but I listened to a podcast where they discussed the Sleeper Problem in Gambit. Probably needs to have ammo adjusted for gambit only. It will be interesting to see what they decide to do.
  5. Well said. I’m kind of regretting that I bought forsaken on PC now. No way I have the time to grind all this out on two platforms. Speaking of time. Just throwing it out there that I’m adopting the “Mode model” of D2 playtime. You won’t see me online in the evenings Sunday through Wednesday from now on (I’ll sneak in a bit of time in the early mornings though after excercising). Thursday -Saturday though I’m all yours! In typical Anzo fashion, I’ve been a bit too overzealous this past month and my wife correctly called me out on it.
  6. Just checked Twitter about the early reset dust up. Man people get overly pissed over minor stuff. Having said that, I wouldn’t mind 3 Prime engrams as recompense. ?
  7. Me thinks tomorrow patch will eliminate a ton of these sorts of things. Sucks that the weekly reset already happened for some activities and won’t occur tomorrow. Hurts those of us grinding for the raid on Friday.
  8. I saw the reddit thread about the people with full sets. Doesn’t it involve deleting your character and then leveling them up to do the glitch again? That some dedication! On the one hand I think they should probably strip them. On the other, the drops were consistent with their current LL so is it that detrimental?
  9. Yes. Just have to remember to redeem the "Vengeance" node in the Triumphs tab for it to unlock. You then go to your Bungie Rewards page to email yourself a discount code and proceed from there.
  10. I downloaded the Forsaken soundtrack + Whisper tracks through Bungie Rewards. Sorry Marty but this is the best Destiny soundtrack.
  11. I honestly just put together the true association of that term. ? I always thought it was like a white saltine cracker. Plain, boring and tasteless. It is MUCH worse! ?
  12. Exotics have been pretty rare for all of us. As for the bow, I friggin love that Petra bow! Masterworked it to Tier 6 before I realized that I should exercise some restraint. Just wait until you are 500 and infuse it up to bring it back into you arsenal. They are strikes. ☺️
  13. Calus was...a bit of a disappointment tbh. We came in for the exotic possibilities and Leviathan only drops pre forsaken exotics. I may may be going to see a movie tonight if we can get the baby down and I’m leaving really early tomorrow to go to a Con. So I can’t relaiably say that I’ll be on tonight.
  14. Just gonna say it again that Titan Code of the Missile is so freaking fun! Just wish I had Insurmountable Skullfort. The melee is mini missile bro and the super is mega missile bro.
  15. If there is ever a Y2 version of Whisper we will for sure hear about it. To my knowledge all the Y1 exotics will remain the same.
  16. Youll be fine and up to your needed level in no time. One question though, do you currently own all the Y1 DLC? If not you will need to buy it in order to buy Forsaken. Best way to do that is by purchasing the Destiny 2 Forsaken Legendary Collection. Includes all of last years DLC plus forsaken for the same price as buying them separately. If you do already have the DLC, then you are set!
  17. I’m hunting barons with reckless abandon and jumped from 400 to 450 in an hour and a half. I’m really loving this so far.
  18. Since you never played it at all just take one character through all the vanilla stuff plus expansions. That should get you to level 30 and around 340 power level. Then when you are ready to start Forsaken, buy it if you want to continue and use the included character boost to create a second character and go on from there with the new one or your first character.
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