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Everything posted by Anzo

  1. There are weekly milestones that reward “powerful gear” that are guaranteed to be higher light than you currently are. They are: Beat the Nightfall Flashpoint (complete public events on a specific planet) Weekly Clan XP contribution (just do activities and get XP, must be in a clan) Call to Arms (play 6 or 7 matches) Raid Beat 3 Heroic Strikes (350 light recommended) Something else I’m probably forgetting. Do you own the expansions? That raises the light cap to 400 and the level cap to 30. You should be able to go to 340 quite easily just by playing the expansion campaigns.
  2. I think the Public Event Triumph is bugged. It says I have only done 10 even though I did 10 alone last night. No record of the dozen or so I’ve done prior to that. EDIT: I misunderstood the bounty. It isn’t to do 25 total heroic events but rather to complete the Heroic version of all public events. Rookie mistake!
  3. I’m not sure which is a better crucible super for multikills, Tickle Fingers or Dawnbreaker. I’m more comfortable with arc but get countered too often by shotguns.
  4. Yeah if you are struggling with the missions, go with a group. We rolled through them. I started on the crucibke stuff before before work today. It is slow going for the super kills. Finished the call to arms though so that’s a silver lining. Most everything else is completely doable with minimal effort.
  5. Sorry mate, I quit HS shortly after Witchwood. Just became too addicted to it so I had to say enough. This set looks interesting for sure but not enough to get me back in. Hope you have fun with it!
  6. The way I read the requirements I linked yesterday is that you only need to do the prestige stuff to get the masterworks versions of those items. You can get the 400 lvl versions by doing the steps above those. I havent been able to confirm the veracity of them yet since I’m at work. Yeah @StephenO1683 I get 60 FPS on a laptop grade GPU, you’ll get more than I do on a 7850 I bet.
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15d0yyu_ecmlso7WYYcXGqkYbQk00Hd4I0bfX4wcVoWs/mobilebasic Found this on reddit. Notes from how to upgrade armor during the SoH event. Not clear context on some things but gives a general idea. Could be completely fake! “Triumphs unlocking with Solstice of Heroes: DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP THE TRIUMPHS FROM THE STATUE! Each Redux mission completed 25 bounties (do not forget to pick them up) 25 Heroic Public Events (only one you’ll not get while doing armor missions) 250 Elemental orbs Get SoH armor set to legendary (all 5 pieces) Masterwork any SoH armor Notes: Most of these will be done while doing all the armor objectives below Make sure to take bounties every day you plan on running strikes/play crucible The elemental orb mechanic is still a bit unknown. Whether you can pick up your own orbs, or if you can pick up other peoples generated orbs, or if its exclusive to one or the other, and what activities the mechanic active Picking up orbs will give stacking damage bonus Not sure if wearing the armor is required for progress to register (obviously wearing all the armor is needed for orb generation) Green Armor (240 Power level) -> Blue Armor missions (11) Complete all redux missions Super kills in Crucible 30 Defeat Guardians in Crucible 10 Collect Arc orbs in Strikes 90 Complete Heroic Public Events 10 Complete Patrols 10 Complete a meditation from Ikora 1 Collect Solar orbs on Earth 90 Collect Arc orbs 150 Collect Void orbs 150 Defeat minibosses 50 Notes: Do bullets 2-6 in whatever order you want Do Heroic PEs, Patrols, meditation, Redux missions, on Earth with Solar weapons. Do strikes with Arc orbs only until that objective is done Don’t think attempting heroic strikes is a good idea since the green armor will be 240 power level (Maybe wearing the full armor isn’t required for one and done objectives) Blue Armor(340 power level) -> Purple Armor missions (11) Complete all redux missions (again?) Complete Nightfall Complete Heroic strikes 3 Crucible wins 5 Complete Adventures 10 Complete Challenges 20 Void energy weapon kills 150 Void grenade kills 120 - Arms Solar power weapon kills 80 Solar melee kills 60 - Legs Arc super kills 200 - Class Notes: Do 2-5 in any order Get Void Grenade mods and Solar Melee mods (yay hunter solar melee…) Do Void/Solar weapon kills first then grenade/melee kills Purple Armor (400 Power Level) -> Masterworked Armor missions Complete Prestige Nightfall at or above bonus threshold (score) Complete Heroic Strikes with clanmate 5 Complete Prestige Levithan Achieve Legend Valor in Crucible Defeat Bosses 10 Notes: Do these as you get them to help with completing blue armor objectives at the same time”
  8. I have 5 kids bro! (or as @NeoJoe said when he chat-introduced me to Thom “This is Anzo. He has 7 kids.”) My excuse was legitimate and probably necessary. ? Also, get well soon @mo1518 PS- I loved Thom’s response. “We’re there any...uh...multiples in there?”
  9. Remember my hellish recounting of Heroic Strike matchmaking? That was for the Sleeper Stimulant questline. Guess who realized this morning they didn’t have the Ikelos hand cannon equipped during said strikes? ?
  10. 350. Will be more by the time it opens up again next weekend with milestones. Let’s plan on it! Theres a good chance I’ll be available for a raid on Thursday too if people are up for that.
  11. Has there been any indication that upgrading the event armor will be time gated? It would be nice to upgrade all the way to 400 by the weekend so I can be strong enough to do the Whisper quest next weekend.
  12. @mo1518 @bladimir2k From the TWAB “Many Guardians have heard whispers on Io and rushed to investigate. Some of you encountered a long streak of Cabal drills—far too many Cabal drills. We did some investigating to see if this was a bug. Turns out there’s no bug, but the current random generator doesn’t do a good job of preventing streaks of either event. We’re currently investigating ways to prevent these bad luck runs in the future. We did some simulations to see if there might be any more long streaks of one type of event in the forecast. We expect a few more outliers, but balanced with long streaks of only Taken Blight events. This activity will be available every week, and once you do unlock the Heroic version, it will stay unlocked. We will continue to monitor the situation. Happy hunting.”
  13. My parents bought a used Atari 2600 with some games. The only game I remember was Jungle Hunt. Fast forward to Christmas 1986 or 87 when I received the NES combo pack already mentioned with the pad, Mario/Duck Hunt and Track and Field. Been a gamer ever since.
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