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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Dilbert was always a garbage comic. And written by human garbage. Art Spiegelman in 1998:
  2. You enforce it really strictly during spring training to prevent mistakes during the season. If the players, paid professionals, can’t adapt then that’s on them.
  3. I know a few teams use this machine, but I just heard of it. Trajekt Sports TRAJEKTSPORTS.COM Trajekt Sports uses advanced robotics and AI to recreate any pitch imaginable. It sounds like the coolest thing in the world. I would love to step in and see how terrifying a Matt Brash slider is.
  4. So I got myself a Criterion Channel subscription in December and have just gone nuts: Ride the High Country 3.5/5 McCabe & Mrs. Miller 4.5/5 The Far Country 4/5 8 1/2 5/5 (This is now definitely one of my top 5 movies of all time I think) A Colt Is My Passport 4/5 Forty Guns 3.5/5 Black Narcissus 4.5/5 The Rules of the Game 4/5 The Secret of Convict Lake 3.5/5 The Leopard 5/5 Alain Delon is the most handsome man who has ever lived. His Girl Friday 3.5/5 Red River 3.5/5 The Long Goodbye 4.5/5 Ride in the Whirlwind 3/5 The Naked Kiss 3.5/5 Breathless 5/5 Mona Lisa 4.5/5 The Great Silence 4/5
  5. I thought Dustin Ackley was going to win a boatload of batting titles. I had someone on IGN make an icon for me that I proudly displayed.
  6. I liked Bill Mahar in high school and college. He was against the war, and I thought that was enough to excuse the rest of vile personality.
  7. Elon doesn't want you to like this tweet criticizing Tesla. Go try it yourself, when you click like you get that little pop-up. Lol.
  8. Since we refuse to do anything about the gun problem, why not use the empty and vacuous tool to create empty and vacuous statements?
  9. Carter is one of the few American public figures who showed us what it is to live a selfless, caring life dedicated to helping others. America and the world would be better off with more people like him.
  10. Pro-gun is such a misnomer. There are anti-gun people who actually care about human life, and then there are the pro-death folk who care more about their hobby than they do actual human lives.
  11. Pretending that MSNBC or CNN are anywhere close to the level of Fox is just flat out stupid. CNN would love to have Trump be president again, they only care about ratings. And no one outside of Boomer liberal grandparents watches MSNBC.
  12. If Ron somehow wins the primary all you have to do is talk about how much of a pervert he is and how he wants to know when your daughter menstruates. Fuck that creep.
  13. Thought this would be about Ted Cruz shedding his skin to assume his new gelatinous shape.
  14. I think the pitch clock rules are going to be incredible once we all get used to it. I think it will also help bring fans back into the game.
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