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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Yeah creepy Christians have had no-fault divorce as a bugaboo for awhile. It's fucking gross.
  2. Tucker cucked Rupert so he fired him: Tucker Carlson’s Prayer Talk May Have Led to Fox News Ouster: “That Stuff Freaks Rupert Out” | Vanity Fair WWW.VANITYFAIR.COM Fox Corp. chair Rupert Murdoch is said to have balked at Carlson’s remarks in a Friday night speech, driving another theory about the prime-time star’s abrupt exit. “He...
  3. Lindell’s request that he be able to pay in cocaine has been rejected.
  4. So he went from $20 a month until King made fun of him, to $8 a month, to now personally paying for some. The business genius. My daughter is a better negotiator (she got the cookie out of me this morning).
  5. I Profar defudding Austria. I don’t believe in kangaroo non-proliferation.
  6. Any time a Republican makes an accusation of something, it's a guarantee that they themselves are guilty of it.
  7. Ding ding ding. This is it. They all so desperately wanted to make it in a creative field but failed because they are weird, creepy, and lack talent. Look at Shapiro, he cries himself to sleep at night cause he isn't a screenwriter and so spends his day complaining that Elsa will be a lesbian in Frozen 4.
  8. Murder-for-high carries a life sentence, but due to the mustache he faces the death penalty.
  9. Haven't updated in awhile. I read 100 Years of Solitude, now I'm reading Lonesome Dove.
  10. This has been shown time after time in study after study: living with a gun increases your odds of dying. Californians living with handgun owners more than twice as likely to die by homicide, study finds MED.STANFORD.EDU Residents who don’t own a handgun but live with someone who does are significantly more likely to die by homicide compared with those in gun-free homes, research shows. And there are many more studies out there. Gun owners have terrible risk assessment and live in a fantasy world. Owning a gun isn't going to keep your family safe. If you want to keep your family safe, throw out your weapons.
  11. Clarence Thomas has for years claimed income from a defunct real estate firm - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM The misstatements are part of a pattern that has raised questions about how the justice views his obligation to report details about his finances to the public. He’s not even try to hide the fact that he took bribes lol.
  12. Good guy with a gun right? We’re living in the America gun owners want.
  13. Daniel Perry is a dangerous fucking nut job: He has killed before: Look! Another Republican sex pest: If Abbott pardons this loon, he will be a congressman before the year is out.
  14. Every elected Republican’s bio is some variation of “oh he met his wife when she was in high school and was an intern in his office. They got married the day she turned 18 and now happily live in a compound, er, suburban home with their 12 children. They are members of the Death To All Infidels First Legionary Commandos For Christ Church, where he serves as a deacon. There is no substantive evidence to the rumors that he has abused his position in the church to prey on little girls.”
  15. Her name is actually Jaxon, but with 17 x's. We thought about going with 18, but that's just so tacky, know what I mean?
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