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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Benny Johnson is a serial plagiarizer who got laughed out of every real journalistic outfit. He could only find work with the right-wing grift machine which, by the way, shows how much a sham right-wing "media" actually is.
  2. Korean Baseball is going to start letting fans attend, under certain conditions: masks are mandatory, must sit one seat apart, stadiums at 30% capacity, no eating, must book ticket with a credit card (to make it easier to track any outbreak), and no cheer team.
  3. Trump is definitely the "I didn't lose, I quit" type who flips the Monopoly board rather than admit that he lost. If the writing is on the wall, I could see him drop out for "health reasons" and leave the Pence/Gaetz ticket go down in flames. Then he can pursue his only true love: being on tv 24/7 on his own news channel.
  4. American gun owners keep trying to tell us they're responsible. And yet...
  5. I think it's supposed to keep out the evil scary Muslims.
  6. Patriots making a lot of news today:
  7. The new Texas stadium: It has all the charm of a Costco.
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