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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. It's like a Sandra Boynton book: Are you a cow? No! Are you a pig? No! Perhaps a horse? No! Then don't take ungulate worm medicine you smooth-brained buffoon!
  2. So when Newsom is recalled and Feinstein dies in office, who does the Republican replace her with and why is it Scott Baio?
  3. I'm sure Liberty University will give her a scholarship and a free ride aboard the grievance-grift train.
  4. Every Republican who runs for office now manages to be even worse than those from before.
  5. I'm in awe. I feel like one usually has to spend a great deal of money and some time on shady websites to experience such a deep cucking.
  6. I will never understand why people are willing to die based on the lies of a charlatan.
  7. The same shitheads who got us into this war don't want to ever end it. Every pundit/politician who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan are still around, advocating for Forever War.
  8. Can't wait for a chud to show up at the Paris casino in Las Vegas and threaten to blow it up cause France is socialist or something.
  9. Republicans have intentionally turned states like Mississippi into cesspools of corona. Thus it's no surprise that they are in turn becoming infected.
  10. I think Trump has made a lot of us forget but the Bush administration was just abysmal start to finish. Bush can paint all the pictures he wants and share candy with Michelle but he is still a weak war-mongering war criminal liar. I wish Paul Wellstone had lived so he could have kicked his ass in 2004.
  11. Jay Inslee would have been a good president. And this puts the dumbass WSU coach on the hot seat.
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