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Everything posted by TheShader

  1. Total sidenote, but Jack Black definitely proved himself worthy during quarantine. Unlike all the celebrities crying into their phones on selfie mode, he just went and lived his best quarantine life. And not in a 'I'm gonna rent a private island to have my birthday party' kind of way, but a 'Fuck it, I'm gonna have fun with whatever I have sitting around the house' kinda way. My dude is an icon.
  2. This is why people need to listen to those affected, quite honestly. Often times when a community(Or a member of said community) comes forward and says 'Hey, this popular image/joke/meme is hurtful' the normal human reaction seems to be to collectively say 'fuck off, I think it's funny'. This community is not immune. There was a particular member here that I won't name names at this time that brought up how hurtful a certain 4chan charging lasers gif was(Although can't quite remember if this was during the last days of IGN, or the early days of Bad Cartridge/D1P). I remember a ton of people, maybe even myself in my younger stupider days, pushed back with 'BuT iT'S jUsT a JoKe, It'S fUnNy' and posted the gif tons of times in respone. It took some pushback before it was finally banned from use. In retrospect that user shouldn't have had to endure that. It should have been something that was respected and moved on from. And, obviously, in retrospect, class-A that gif is a class A example of shitty racist meming. People tend to know their own identity/community/culture, and it seems one of the hardest thing a lot of us have to adjust to is accepting that someone knows those things about themselves better than we do. Especially when it comes to humor because the default seems to be that if a group of people find something, anything, funny that is therefore acceptable due to the majority being in agreement.
  3. For the record, in case you're lumping me in here, I did read the article. I'm just pessimistic when it comes to Disney. I think, by all accounts, she should probably win. Give Disney's history I am already starting off from a position of trusting her story over whatever they say. But... Like... It's Disney. They'll either force a settlement or bury her.
  4. I'll spare everyone the search, cause I did it myself. Not only is this real, but it's the ONLY post on his Instagram. Everything else has been removed. Honestly, he's clearly fishing for attention, and sadly it'll probably work as this will be all anything talks about when we wake up tomorrow.
  5. I'm guessing she's hoping for a settlement that'll at least last her for some time. Someone leaving Disney should know better than anyone that going against their lawyers is like Mr. Satan fighting Cell on a good day. Even if you have an 'iron clad' case. If she genuinely things this is a winnable case then more power to her, and I hope she has the gumption to push through this.
  6. Most certainly, and they've been testing the waters to go hard against trans rights even before the repeal of Roe V Wade. Likely hoping to copy the unfortunate success of political campaigns against the trans community in the UK where attacking trans rights has become popular amongst both the conservative and the liberal parties.
  7. These 'The Simpsons predicted it' are way less quirky and way more depressing when you realize they aren't predictions at all. They were relevant pieces of social commentary when they came out. We all just forgot the original context, and time is a Mobius strip in which all this outrage repeats itself on a regular basis. At the time this episode was made there were events such as people like Terry Rakolta trying to lead bans against TV shows like Married with Children and The Simpsons as well as Michelangelo's work being censored and like in the episode the sculpture of David was a subject of heated discussions about whether it was high art or obscene pornography.
  8. House Republicans pass Parents Bill of Rights THEHILL.COM House Republicans passed an education bill on Friday that emphasizes parental rights in the classroom, leaning into a hot-button, culture war issue that has gained popularity in GOP politics... This is the first national bill to target transgender youth, forcing them to be outed to their parents as well as forcing teachers to misgender students by withholding Federal funding from schools that do not implement such policies.
  9. I stand by the stance I've always stood by. If you're going to ban TikTok, then ban all social media. None of the claims levied against TikTok are unique to TikTok, including 'BuT iT's A fOrEiGn PoWeR' because we know from history that American companies are more than willing to sell that exact same data to Russia, China, and whoever has the money to afford it. Nothing has been brought forward that shows this is anything more than protecting US companies in the social media market as(to the best of my knowledge) this has been the first social media platform to emerge on a global scale outside US-based social media platforms. When it comes to the global market, the US has a monopoly on social media with TikTok being the first outlier. That's the only real difference I see when it comes to this approach to TikTok, as politicians are conveniently ignoring how awful our domestic companies have been about data mining.
  10. I loved that The Armourer sounded exactly like your typical WAY too religious leader when discussing the mythosaur. The conversation could have easily been Person: so what if... Like... Someone saw Jesus? Priest: we all see Jesus, in our own way Person: no, but like, I mean REALLY saw Jesus, like in the flesh Priest: yes, the flesh of Jesus is with us all Person: I DON'T THINK YOU'RE UNDERSTANDING ME priest: it is not for me to understand your journey, only yours to understand
  11. *Pees in bucket and maintains eye contact* I use those sauces, too, but if they're the only or mostly only ones people have tried or keep around then I'd like to treat them to the wide world of hot sauces. I ain't crapping on anyone's bottle of Jack Daniel's by gifting them a $100 bottle of something nice for Christmas.
  12. Hamilton is on another level. He was the ghetto white trash of the founding fathers. If we're judging founding fathers by assigning them to an alcoholism stereotype, Hamilton is the guy that is way too quick to smash a bottle over his own head and scream 'YOU GOTTA PROBLEM!?' while shoving the broken remnants of the bottle in your face. Like he begged to be on the battlefield during the war while constantly being given cushy respected jobs that others would kill for. I wouldn't fuck with him, either.
  13. @Fizzzzle @Chris- Ya'll need to realize I'm not shitting on Sriracha, Valentinos, or Franks.
  14. Green and purple. Green because, like everyone my age, I was obsessed with the Green Ranger from Power Rangers, and purple because as a kid I wasn't allowed to like anything pink cause my dad wasn't gonna raise no [bundle of sticks], but relented on letting me have purple things. Green used to be my main, but I've switched it over to purple, kinda feels like I'm reclaiming my childhood in a way.
  15. I don't think it's meant to be 100% clear yet, but judging by his speech at the end of the episode I'm guessing a large part was Keeley pulled the old 'I'm gonna break up with you before you get the chance to break up with me.'
  16. I blame TV and movies. They portray crime as a very definite 'if you do it then you WILL get caught and you WILL get locked up for a very long time'. There's also a chance the ex girlfriend was no longer wanting to cooperate just out of pure exhaustion. Going to court, where you HAVE to see and interact with your abuser, and being a witness for things that happened to you is tough. It often retraumatizes survivors.
  17. I'm gonna go shopping for everyone who said some combination of valentinas, franks, or Sriracha.
  18. Would have been ballsier to have it in a comic book rather than Mandalorian season 2.5(aka Book of Boba). Would have guaranteed that the internet would have lit up with non stop 'I'm the world's biggest Star Wars fan, and this is an irredeemable plot hole !' That said, just finished the episode myself. It actually bugged me that I KNEW the Jedi that saved Grogu, but couldn't quite place my finger on why/who he was. When I came here it instantly clicked while reading the comments.
  19. TheShader


    Stop turning, you're going to get dizzy!
  20. I mean...that's part of the problem. They are overpopulated because they are a popular source of food. I love my steak and cheeseburgers as much as anyone, but jokes aside we could definitely start eating less beef. Our obsession with beef is a significant slice of our climate issues.
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