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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Yeah, he looks like a real man from back in the day. That was buried a hundred and fifty years ago and just arose rotten from the grave
  2. I’ve done preorders, sometime I got it early and could preload, but always at least by launch time. But you have to wait for Best to check it and grab the code and what if the email goes into his spam, there’s a lot of variables. I’d say gamestop steam cards or just send the money.
  3. I order on cdkeys more than I don’t and it’s always been super positive for me personally
  4. Was at the Studio Bell which is the Calgary Music Museum and snapped this for you @Biggie
  5. Hey kids, free ice cream over here! Just hop in the van!
  6. sorry, that’s Ai? Sentient? Language? It’s the new form of feeling out a cyber now that things have evolved.
  7. I agree with Kena could have been fleshed out more. I also can see how it would be jarring with the switch, but honestly I thought it got better as it went so I was ok with it. I disagree with the hats i loved those lol
  8. I genuinely love that bacon is a sugar baby that only provides video game impressions
  9. Add this question to the SAT and make it worth half the points: Q: What would be considered a violation of free speech? 1) A government body broadly disallowing factual academic speech state wide 2) Getting banned on a private social media platform for making too many anti semantic remarks 3) It depends Option 3 is just a trick and also fails you.
  10. lol this really makes me laugh because I’m a huge fan of sun bears because they look soooooo fucking weird and it makes sense someone unaware might be like wtf Love them and anyone who thinks they look weird from that pic check their tongue lmao
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