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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Yeah he got me a couple times the first fight. He's like a mix of Teostra and Nargacuga. Very fun fight.
  2. I have! I'm having a blast with Rise. If we're Switch pals we need to do hunts together. I'm currently working on 7* HR but I'm down for all the hunts.
  3. I got 'em for all the lookie-loos who lean in real close and stare into my ears as I'm walking around.
  4. I'm not a big audo dude. I like to balance value and functionality with decent sound. For general day-to-day listening I use Skullcandy Sesh. They are inexpensive and sound good and do all the things I want them to. For activity I have a pair of Plantronics BackBeats similar to these; they are the only line of buds that I've found that effectively stay in my ears while running/jumping. Because it sucks to be finally hitting your groove a few miles into a run and a bud pops out and you gotta stop and search for it.
  5. I like all my tattoos. Fun fact: D1P helped me choose one. :P
  6. I've not been a fan of most of the MH games' "event" fights. I like the rampage/tower defense mode less than just regular hunts, but I like it more than the swimming water dragon thing from Tri or riding on the back of Zora Magdaros for a half hour.
  7. So far so so good. I'm really enjoying it. It has a lot of the convenience/QoL improvements from World but has the feel of Gen which I loved. I dig the verticality of the zones. Wirebug feels good. So far the only thing I'm not really digging is the new mount mechanic; it feels clunky when you're riding. I'd prefer a traditional "ride/do damage/big finisher/down" setup, but you can't really pull off any sort of finisher unless you've got a second monster in the area. Other than that I'm having a blast. Oh and also the animation for the wyrmstake cannon on my GL makes it such a pain in the ass to hit; it's too long. But that's a minor gripe. I just have to be super careful when I pick my spots.
  8. They had to. Couldn't let all that revenue escape here to NJ.
  9. "If that were true, nobody would work for us." I don't think you understand what desperate people will go through to stay afloat...
  10. The Steam versions mostly miss with me with because of their mobile-port art. I was really hoping for just the original 8/16bit sprite graphics. Straight ports of the originals. I know I can emulate them but still. Nobody I know prefers the cartooney mobile version aesthetic over the originals. I wanna know what research made Squeenix think it was a good idea.
  11. I'm not sure entirely...I built it a long time ago and have just keep frankensteining parts into it for years when it needs upgrades.
  12. It's amazing what they can pull off with 8-Bit graphics these days.
  13. ITT Cnut takes all the geek cred. :P Here's me. It gets the job done. And for my analog game board pals:
  14. I haven't run into anything my build barred me from just yet (STR tank build), except I had to get to 10 in faith and magic because the miracle/spell vendors won't sell to you otherwise. Aside from that I've been able to pull everything off to this point. My only sticking point currently is getting all the spells and miracles; because of the boss souls necessary, I think I might have to go to NG+++ to get them all without save scumming.
  15. Still working on platinum'ing Demon's Souls. On NG+ currently. I don't plan on save scumming so I might have to go NG++ or +++ to do it, but we'll see.
  16. I wasn't aware this was a thing, and I liked Rogue Legacy.
  17. Fun fact: That was the first Onion article I ever read back in the day which made me a fan of The Onion. :P When I was a kid "gay" was used a lot to denote negative things. We never used it in my house growing up. My parents explained early why it was bad and it also felt lazy. It seems to have stuck though to the next gen's lexicon. I've heard my sons and their teenage friends use it in that way still today. Which surprises me a little because I thought today's teen was supposed to be more sensitive to shit like that. I've had to correct them and their friends on a few occasions over the years. As far as retarded goes, and I'll admit I'm in the wrong here, I still use it from time to time. It's not a constant part of my vocabulary, but it hasn't left entirely. For whatever reason in my head there's a big difference between calling a thing/situation 'retarded' and calling someone 'a retard'. The latter is something I'd never say, but the former just doesn't feel transgressive. It's not being applied in the context of a person or their mental capacity. I don't know. I don't have the words to explain it right now beyond that it just doesn't feel wrong in my head. Like if I were to say "faggot" or the n-word or '$person is a retard' out loud here right now it'd make me very uncomfortable, even though I'm alone in the room and nobody would hear it. I wouldn't feel that same personal sense of unease if I were to say something like "that shit's retarded" in reference to a thing/situation. I don't know if that makes sense.
  18. More likely because you could be using it/selling it/giving it away on the side which takes money out of the pockets of the poor already millionaires and corporations who will be acquiring the limited number of recreational pot licenses that will be made available. People being able to homegrow means Cannisolutions Pro LLC will only make $4.32M per year instead of $4.39M. Gotta maximize profits for our township buddies who parlayed their cush no-risk public works job into a landscaping company into weed company! We're gonna fuck the licensing for this up exactly like we did with alcohol because this state is run by an insane interconnected network of old-boys' clubs with favors stacked on favors.
  19. In any case, yay NJ. I'm happy for everyone that this will help. Still a no-go for me because job, but I'm cised that my friends and family will be able to enjoy it and that people here no longer need to worry about having their lives ruined by the police because of it.
  20. Yeah, which bugs me a little. Now there's a legal substance that's legal to own and legal to consume and (once they license the dispensaries) legal to purchase. But if it has roots in a pot of dirt it's now illegal? That's stupid. It's us and I think Washington as the only two legal states that don't allow at least some form of home grow. I know why they don't allow it, but it's dumb rich folk bullshit.
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