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Everything posted by ShreddieMercury

  1. Pre-orders are up at Best Buy. I snagged one for curbside pickup on the 18th.
  2. That would be shitty, but I would prefer that to having it go away entirely so I'm hoping that's the case. Will try to pre-order the retail edition if possible.
  3. 3D World + a new expansion is coming next February per the Direct.
  4. The wording about availability is confusing - will it still be available digitally after March? Why on earth would they limit the digital sales if that's the case?
  5. I'd rather have one of the best Nintendo games of all time and nothing else than several warmed over ports and template adventure games that load faster. It will definitely be a weak launch but probably not the worst ever. I think what will really be frustrating for early adopters is the downstream impacts of the pandemic on development. I expect the first year or so to be pretty barren aside from stuff that's already very far along. For that reason I can't really justify a launch console, because there aren't any launch games that seem to make the price worth it.
  6. Left 4 Dead is one of my all-time favorite games, so I would welcome any sort of upgrade. I remember being so into Valve's games at that time. Left 4 Dead and Portal (especially 2) are so genius that it always makes me sad thinking about current day Valve.
  7. Zelda BotW Outer Wilds The Last of Us Part II God of War Until Dawn RE2 Astro Bot Mario Kart 8 Prey Dishonored 2 ... Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2??
  8. I feel like every passing moment I'm less and less excited about "next gen". This is probably the least inspiring generational transition that I've followed. You register to maybe get an email from Sony with the opportunity to pre-order. Not everyone who registers will get a follow-up email.
  9. One Cut of the Dead is phenomenal, which I believe is a Shudder original.
  10. Thanks, for some reason that wasn't showing up in Firefox, but it did when I used a different browser.
  11. Are the registrations closed? I don't see an opportunity to register at that link.
  12. Generally I think Nintendo towers above all others in this respect, particularly with Mario games. Mario Odyssey is maybe the most tactile and responsive game I've ever played, and the incredible sound design adds so much to each movement. I remember marveling at how good it felt to move Mario when I booted it up for the first time. Galaxy is far and away my favorite Mario game, but Odyssey is among the best feeling games I've ever played if not the best. I know this isn't the question, but an opposite example would be Rockstar games.
  13. I don't think that this game, or most action games, are purposefully "right-wing". But you do have to ask yourself why the defining characteristic of western games is the destruction of other people (usually with guns), endlessly acquiring resources, and continually becoming more powerful and dominant. It's an extension of our (in my opinion toxic) individualist and colonialist mindset, which happens to be a core component of most right-wing thought. I think that TLoU II is designed specifically to challenge this, but it fails in a way because it still has to play by all of those conventions in order to be engaging. I think it is as successful as it possibly could be in what it's trying to accomplish, but the fact that it's a AAA videogame for a predominantly western audience means that it has to make some concessions. It's sort of like a bomb in a happy meal, but the bomb has to be small enough that you can still enjoy the burger after the explosion.
  14. That's so kind of you! I'm in the US though. I also don't have the ability to play GC games at the moment.
  15. Awesome. I had an Xbox and missed the Gamecube when it was out, and now all of those games are super expensive. I would love to play Eternal Darkness at some point.
  16. Yeah! A pretty significant patch for the game went live yesterday. Grounded mode, tons of gameplay and visual modifiers, and gyro controls. I tried them out and it's awesome - just be sure to crank the sensitivity to 10 on both axis, I found it too slow on the default of 5. @Keyser_Soze I cannot get use to KB/M. I've tried to get a hang of that control scheme and it always makes me wish I was playing with a controller. I don't really play online stuff though, so I'm sure it's more of a necessity in those twitchy games.
  17. The issue with gyro for me is that it's more about fine tuning the aim, so you're still using it in conjunction with the thumb stick. I prefer that to pure stick aiming, but it still falls short of pointer controls in my eyes. The Last of Us Part II just implemented gyro aiming with a patch, so I'm excited to try that. Since most controllers have this capability I don't know why it's not at least an option in most games.
  18. After digging through some of the Wii catalogue, I've come to two realizations: this console has outrageously underrated software, and the Wii-mote is superior to any other console controller for shooters. I bought a Wii at launch and enjoyed my time with it, but it wasn't until I really started exploring its deep catalogue of games that I've come to have an appreciation for the pointer controls. It's crazy how much better it feels to aim in shooters and action games on Wii than it does on any other console. Gyro aiming is also great, but it's super rare and still nowhere near as precise as the control offered by the Wii-mote. Why did this style of control die with the Wii? Will it ever return?
  19. I've never played Sunshine and would love a remaster. Supposedly it's coming in the form of a Super Mario All-Stars 2 package that was rumored for release this year, but I feel like it would have already been announced if that was the case.
  20. I've been trying to pick up a few Wii games that I've had my eye on and am curious what resources, specifically online, that you all use to buy used and retro games and assess fair price. I've been checking out Pricecharting.com, and then comparing that with listings on eBay. Typically I try to go into my local used game shop, which is great, but they don't have everything on hand and with the pandemic I've been trying to avoid stores as much as possible, so I'm having to resort to the online marketplace.
  21. I played a good chunk of RE4 when it came out for PS2, but for some reason or other didn't finish it. I mainly recall being so scared and surprised by the chainsaw guy the first time he killed me that I had to put the game down for several days. I believe I eventually made it to a castle, but I don't remember the details. Anyhow, I'm currently playing the Wii version and I'm surprised by how great it is. There is something about how the game is designed that makes everything extremely satisfying and fun. It's challenging, tense, and though the controls are definitely a step back from the recent remakes, they serve their purpose and are essential to how the game functions so I don't mind. Is this the best in the series? What are you thoughts on RE4 in general?
  22. For me, both Microsoft and Sony have failed to demonstrate how these updgrades will actually produce exciting new game experiences. Both consoles seem to be primarily focused on visuals and improved loading times, which are great, but those factors alone don't really necessitate a purchase in my opinion. Unlike the Switch (and most Nintendo systems), which has a specific form factor that differentiates it from the last Nintendo console, the pitch here seems to be that you can play the same type of games you're already playing... but they'll look and sound better! There also doesn't seem to be a compelling launch title that could push people over the edge. If you're really into Halo, you can just play Infinite on the Xbox you have now, and on Sony's side you'll get some smaller launch experiments (the Resoguns and Knacks) and DLC for Spider-Man. None of that seems to be worth the asking price for a new console if you already have a PS4, Xbox or PC. I think that the race for higher frame rates and resolutions is ultimately a losing battle until we see creative ways to evolve the actual design of the games themselves. At this point, outside of a few boundary pushing indie games and the odd few incredible exclusives, we've been playing games that were templated 10-15 years ago, and I don't really care how good they look if it's the same experience over and over.
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