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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. I rewatched Loki Season 1 in preparation for this, and man that show was good. For me personally I think it's up there with Mandalorian as one of the best on Disney+ (never saw Andor). I'm going to finally watch Quantumania too this weekend as I assume that will also be required viewing for Season 2. P.s. The title needs to be updated as this is now starting Oct 5th.
  2. I thought about weighing in but this thread is going to be 52 pages long and Imma step out while I still can.
  3. It kind of makes me think the movie is going to be a little bit of a disaster in a way. I'm sure WE'LL love it. But a lot of people won't know who the fuck any of these people are, and there's no way the movie could take the time to explain the backstory without bogging the whole thing down in exposition, and boring the fans that already know. This isn't like the MCU, where to follow it you only had to watch like 8 prior movies. There's dozens of hours of show content to cover, and reading a few wikipedia articles isn't exactly going to emotionally engage you.
  4. They have done literally nothing to bring in new viewers into this story and these characters. The best they've done is have Hyugauy (whatever his fucking name is) explain that Jacen is Force sensitive and why. I'm pretty sure that's it. So Thrawn being underwhelming is probably the least concern for a newcomer. I don't think any of this would make sense. Ezra would be completely underwhelming too for that matter.
  5. E. Musk is doing a terrific job playing Thrawn! Really great episode, but if you didn't like the slowness of the last one, this one dials it back a few more pegs, even. Baylan really is the wildcard here. Whatever he's up to could throw the whole story off what would otherwise be a very linear (and frankly predictable) track. That's exactly what I liked about it. I'm really enjoying this ever deepening foray into this dark mystical side of Star Wars. It definitely gives it a different vibe from other entries the more they delve into it. Ezra has apparently been lying low hoping and waiting for a rescue. Thrawn is obviously stuck too in his broken ship, but yeah you answered your own question. If Thrawn really doesn't care about Ezra or think he's a threat as long as he's stuck on the planet, there's no reason to risk his troops and his plans pursuing him.
  6. I mean, this is so obviously suicidal that I can't help but think back to the conspiracy theories that Musk is purposefully trying to sink the platform so he can file for bankruptcy.
  7. The last time I ate inside a McDonald's was at a specially themed franchisee place. It had leather upholstered wingback chairs, elegant curtains, wallpaper, and large fish aquariums surrounded by bar tables you could sit at. It was the craziest looking McDonalds I ever saw. Of course they tore it down and made it a generic McDonalds because why have anything good?
  8. Oh this would be rich. There's not even enough popcorn for this clusterfuck if it were to happen.
  9. It's not so much putting out on the first date as it is getting what you paid for.
  10. It does look like he lives in an expensive apartment (Frasier moves in right across the hall) but just doesn't have a taste for the finer things.
  11. Yeah I've been casually on the lookout for that, and so far everyone including the media are acting like that footage doesn't exist. It should be a MUCH bigger controversy than it is, and usually sex scandals are a media darling topic.
  12. Listen guys, it's time to move on from this GOP corruption nonsense and go back to focusing on the real corruption: Hunter Biden made money while his dad was an important person!
  13. In years past, this would end a congressman's career. Today I half expect Ted Cruz to get on TV and tell everyone he gropes his wife at the theater all the time, and that this is natural between a man and woman as God intended.
  14. That character dynamic was a rare achievement. It stemmed not just from the writing but the absolutely perfect casting. How can anyone expect a modern sitcom, in an era where laugh track sitcoms are dead, to capture that same lightning in a bottle?
  15. I think Ahsoka also had some character development in this last episode. After her vision, you notice how much more playful and adventurous she seemed? Maybe she chose to leave the darkness of her past behind, and "live".
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