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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. I prefer it black but l’ll sometimes add cream if I want it to cool down faster.
  2. Frank Oz says that it doesn’t matter what sexuality they are but he obviously thinks it matters if he’s going out of his way to clarify that they aren’t gay.
  3. Had 3-4 Sierra Nevada Pale Ales after work yesterday.
  4. DISCOVER WHAT MAKES HER A HERO *punches old lady in the face*
  5. No way am I going to post pics of girls without their permission. I’m not a creep. Now have I touched myself to some of the pictures? I’d say it’s likely.
  6. What’s a horny American to do? Her birthday party is next week.
  7. Coffee is amazing but it’s so addicting.
  8. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to start planning for Halloween in September if you have an ellaborate costume and/or decorations. But hold off on the horror movie marathons untill October.
  9. Trump could just say the leaker doesn’t exist and that the NYT made it up. If it’s made up, why would there have to be a leaker?
  10. I smoke it regularly. I have a portable vaporizer but only use it when I want to smoke in public. When at home I prefer to smoke the old fashioned way. I used to smoke cigs so something about actual smoke hitting my lungs feels nice. My brother used to have a secret grow room in his house but he got so paranoid that he gave it all up after he sold his first harvest.
  11. How? If the whole thing is made up then It would make more sense for Trump to say the NYT made it up.
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