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Everything posted by sexy_shapiro

  1. Most people complaining about this seem to forget he has a gymnastics background and can parkour quite well. I don’t know if there are many leading man types right now who has the physical skills that Tom Holland has. If they allow him to perform some of his own stunts then this could be quite cool.
  2. There already is a straight pride parade. It’s called Mardi Gras.
  3. It makes him look like an evil corporate villain from an 80’s kid movie.
  4. Do I have to see both the Ford and Ferrari standalone movies in order to appreciate this crossover?
  5. Renting out unicycles would be much practical than this, and is still not be very practical at all.
  6. Increasing the cost of Coronas and margaritas during the peak of Summer doesn’t sound like a good ide politically but what do I know.
  7. It’s sad that he left us so early but I feel like we all should have seen the signs.
  8. What’s weird is that they are remaking movies that are known for their economic storytelling. Just like with Beauty and the Beast, adding anything different to extend the runtime will have to really prove itself whether it’s needed because we’re already familiar with a version where it wasn’t necessary. Lion King could bennefit from a longer runtime. It feels like too much happens with that 90 minutes that I could see a longer cut having more weight.
  9. Anyone who thinks alcohol isn’t an essential hasn’t worked in education.
  10. I wish I could be optimistic and believe that the country is tolerant enough to vote an openly gay man president, but as a fag living in north Florida I am nothing but doubtful. Society has become a lot more polite towards gay people in the last decade or two, but in general there’s a lot of so called “open minded” individuals who don’t seen gays as equal counterparts to straight men. A lot of these people aren’t even aware they have this prejudice/bias, but I experience it often. They keep us around for entertainment and fashion, but it’s hard to be taken seriously as a strong and capable leader.
  11. For some reason straight people take comfort in knowing that some of us are just as boring as they are.
  12. Straight people feel safe with Mayor Pete because he’s “not one of the fruity ones.” America needs a fierce queen in the White House who can slay.
  13. Pete Buttigieg is Not a RuPaul’s Drag Race Fan He’s already lost the gay vote. Pete Buttigieg, sashay away.
  14. This is the only confirmation I need that the real sblfilms has been killed and replaced by his evil doppelgänger.
  15. I saw it a week ago and I’m still processing it. But I think I loved it more than Get Out. I’m seeing it a second time tonight.
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