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Everything posted by Pikachu

  1. Yes, it was pushed back 7 months because The Six Billion Dollar Man was taken off the release calendar by WB: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/wonder-woman-1984-moves-summer-2020-1154205
  2. https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60762/Red-Dead-Online-Beta-Status-Update-Dec-14
  3. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/12/14/limited-edition-kingdom-hearts-iii-ps4-pro-bundle-launches-january-29/
  4. LEGO The Hobbit free to own until December 15 10AM PST (Humble Bundle): https://www.humblebundle.com/store/lego-the-hobbit?hmb_campaign=freegame_2018_homepage_lego_hobbit&hmb_medium=banner You must redeem the Steam key by December 20 10AM PST
  5. I'll put it another way. Would Playsation bother putting out a tweet and congratulating Quantic Dream if Detroit was a bomb or considered unsuccessful?
  6. Full Throttle Remastered is free for 48 hours on GOG: https://www.gog.com/
  7. Depends, have you played any of Quantic Dream's previous titles like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls? If you liked both of those, then I would definitely pick it up. If you haven't played their previous titles, do you enjoy games that are focused more on narrative and being a experience more so then gameplay, then this is worth picking up.
  8. It's no Spider-Man in terms of sales, but it's Quantic Dream's fastest selling game to date.
  9. I think Incredibles 3 will happen but not for another 4 or 5 years. It's too lucrative of a franchise to just abandon.
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