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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. Not so fast Bezos! Branson is going to beat you to space!
  2. The twist: The arid west will become wet and the east coast will become a desert in 100 years.
  3. Well, we did overcome nature. Obviously these communities need to be mindful of wasting resources, but it's completely feasible.
  4. Link As a Nevada resident, I have no issue with this. Las Vegas and its surrounding suburbs are already pretty efficient with water compared to other metro areas, and this won't have an impact on residential homes and golf courses, which I think is a good compromise. Many of the golf courses already don't use fresh water - they use treated sewer water to water the grass. Also, all of the treated water that doesn't go to golf courses and a few other users gets put back into Lake Mead to be used again.
  5. Wait, are you claiming most of the shootings, including mass shootings, are perpetrated by the police?
  6. This one time in PE class, I think it was in 10th or 11th grade, one of the other guys forgot to put on his gym shorts before coming out of the locker room and into the gym. We were all lined up waiting for attendance, and we were all just sorta staring at him...In his t-shirt, sneakers, and tightie whities. The guy didn't even notice at first, and it definitely felt like an eternity for the rest of us. He finally figured out why everyone was staring at him, and he promptly ran back into the locker room. I don't remember if he came back out to gym class that day.
  7. Send a tomahawk into the next cyber attacker's house to get the message across.
  8. I'd be interested to know the "time to crime" on the weapons recovered after a gun crime is committed in Portland. Oregon has universal background checks. I know that isn't your point per se, but no gun can be sold in Oregon without it going to an FFL for a transfer, even private party sales. Same with its neighbors Washington, California, and Nevada. Idaho is the only bordering state that doesn't require background checks on private party sales.
  9. Why did Portland turn to shit? It seems like just a few years ago it was a mecca for dweebs and hipsters. Now they have daily shootings and riots downtown. And a lot of homeless people too.
  10. After SpaceX landed their first Falcon 9 in late 2015, Bezos tweeted at Musk "Welcome to the club". Earlier that year, Blue Origin successfully launched and landed their New Shepard vehicle for the first time. Ironically, SpaceX has launched and successfully landed their boosters almost 90 times since that date, and Blue Origin has landed their booster just 14 times.
  11. I want to see Hannity and Tucker start to wear adult diapers to own the libs. Well, I mean I don't want to SEE them do that. I just want them to say on live TV that real alpha males shit their pants.
  12. I don't get the people who say "The Dems can kiss 2022 goodbye if they don't enact XYZ by then". I would counter that they'd be more likely to lose if they were able to do everything they promised in 2022, because there will absolutely be a boomerang effect. Remember Obamacare and how it basically cost the Dems the House in 2010? Whether the Democrats can enact their policy goals or not, Democratic voters are still going to vote for them in 2022. It's just a matter of how many Republicans get fired up and vote in the midterms as well. Passing shit like the GND is guaranteed to get the right bent out of shape and vote like crazy in 2022.
  13. Manchin is barely a Democrat (although votes with Biden nearly 100% of the time). And your choices for representation from WV are either Manchin or a GOP Trumpist. That single Senate seat is what separates the Dems controlling the Senate, and Mitch running the show again.
  14. My understanding of HR1 would be that districts have to be "non-partisan", but minority districts could be formed (or maintained) under the law, which means the districts wouldn't be truly non-partisan, as minorities, for the most part, vote democratic.
  15. Short term gains sure. Long term gains should still have a lower rate compared to income tax brackets, with the exception of this: If a majority of your income is derived from stock grants as a part of your employment contract, and that amounts to more than ~$400k a year, than your capital gains would be taxed at the higher rate regardless of how long you held onto the stock.
  16. Acceptable. We also need to make it easier, cheaper, and faster for people to immigrate here and eventually become citizens. Offer english lessons at no cost to those who follow the (now easier) process too so they can more easily integrate into America society.
  17. Raising the corporate tax is dumb and you all know it. Just raise the rate on the upper bracket to raise revenue. In fact, get rid of the corporate tax completely and raise the upper bracket rates to offset the little money generated from the corp tax.
  18. Acid, no matter how strong, will not have a lasting impact compared to things like micro plastic debris, oil slicks, or other forms of pollution. It's clickbait shit. If the headline was "Cargo ship dumps micro plastics into the ocean, and sinks in Sri Lankan waters; marks one of worst environmental disasters in decades" I would agree with it. Acid just sounds more scary to the layman.
  19. The headline is clickbait shit. The environmental disaster is not from the 25 tons of. acid that was onboard. It's from the plastics that were released and also the fact that the whole shipped burned for days on end. 25 tons of nitric acid takes up a container the size of 3x3x3 meters. Here is a post explaining why this (the acid) is not as big of a deal as you may think:
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